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IBGE virtual shop

More than 2.3 thousand products available for free download

Section: IBGE | Karina Meirelles, estagiária sob supervisão de Pedro Renaux | Design: J.C. Rodrigues

May 24, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 05, 2018 10h52 AM

Among maps, books, researches and also the enrollment in courses and seminars, the IBGE's virtual shops offers 2,312 products for free download. Besides the digital versions, one can buy printed publications, such as the IBGE's Geographic Expeditions - A portrait of Brazil in 1941-1968, released this month (10). The shop also has a Partnership Program, with discounts of 30% and 40%  for teaching enterprises and institutions. 

Last year, the shop received a little more than one million accesses. According to Alcides Alves, a technician from the Commercialization Department, the main objective is not selling products, but disseminating the material created by the Institute, once most of the products can be downloaded for free. “The volume of sales of physical products is very small, in comparison with the number of accesses. From January [2018] until now we have received 426 purchase orders”, said Alcides.

The school Aldeia Curumim, located in Niterói (RJ), is one of the clients of the virtual shop. In 2016, a geography teacher showed the school director the IBGE's School Atlas, as professor Ana Nemer recalls: “that teacher loved the Atlas. At the time we bought 25 copies for our sixth-graders. Since then, it has been part of our list of materials for students”.


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A loja virtual do IBGE oferece 2.312 produtos para download gratuito

School Atlas is among our best-selling products in 2018

From the total orders received this year, 222 were relative to the Geographic School Atlas, with 399 printed copies sold. The IBGE is committed to the promotion of education and to helping children learn how to interpret numbers, graphs and atlases. At the virtual shop are available other pedagogical material, such as educational maps, which can also be downloaded free of charge at  Portal IBGEeduca.

Alcides says there was a time when ordered came by e-mail, even during the period of update of the virtual shop, between 2008 and 2012: “we implemented a new system then, focused on e-commerce. It allowed us to adapt the website according to our needs. We managed to create a newsletter that has 2,332 subscribers today, in order to keep our users informed about new releases", he adds. 

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