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IBGEeduca: a portrait of Brazil now available for classroom use

Section: IBGE | Ana Laura Azevedo | Design: Helena Pontes

April 25, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 05, 2018 10h31 AM

The portal has been launched this Wednesday. Its content - based on information provided by the IBGE - aims at different school segments: children, youth and teachers. Each one of the three sections is directed to a type of audience, but their content is equally based on the social, economic, cultural and territory aspects of Brazil. 

The head of the IBGE's Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination, David Wu Tai, IBGEeduca can help form citizens, for its is of fundamental importance “that students learn how to read and interpret ordered numbers and their graphic representations, and that they also understand the spatial representation of the place we live in”.

The portal represents a new step in the communication aimed at the school segment inside the Institute
IBGE Educa can be accessed from tablets, personal computers or smartphones
The portal content aims at three different school segments: children, youth and teachers
The website directed to teachers presents suggested activities and resources to be used in the classroom

Well informed children and youth

IBGEeduca is a research platform that can help students – ranging from literacy to higher-education ones – find updated information about our country, its territory and population.

The website directed to children is a place for them to access information produced by the IBGE in a playful way and with a language adapted to young audiences. By means of texts, graphs, maps, videos and games, kids can get to know a little more about our population and territory.

Besides most relevant data about the Brazilian people, the website aimed youngsters presents study material, prep material for the ENEM1 and special reports on current issues.

According to Sarah Nery, a teacher in a high school program on Plots for Digital Media, “at times of fake news, it is vital to know official sources of information”, mainly in the case of “young people, whose main source of information is the Internet and its social media platforms, now marked by a number of fake or misleading news.”

Sarah highlights that “youngsters are always searching for knowledge, inside and outside the Internet; so, if there is quality content and credibility adapted to their interests and language, they will certainly use it and share the information.”

Classroom resources

The website directed to teachers presents suggested activities and resources – with content from child education to high school levels – based on information from the IBGE, to be used in the classroom. There is also an interactive blog where educators rom all over the country can share teaching experiences using ata and material from the Institute. 

According to the head of the IBGEeduca project, Renata Corrêa, the portal represents a new step in communication aimed at the school segment inside the Institute, having replaced the previous Vamos contar!IBGE 7 a 12 and IBGE Teen. She highlights “knowledge of the official data about the country, its population and territory is key for the effective exercise of citizenship; and IBGEeduca is trying to increase  students and teachers’ access to those data”.

Produced by a multidisciplinary team, with education, communication, design and web development professionals, is a responsive portal, that is, it can be accessed from different devices, such as tablets, mobile phones and personal computers.

Its content is constantly updated, and the portal is in accordance with the education guidelines stated by the Ministry of Education. The websites have a contact form, so that users can submit their doubts, suggestions and interactive contributions to the portal team.

1 ENEM: National High School Exam - a test that evaluates high school students in Brazil and is used as a form of admission to university

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