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Census of Agriculture: more than 1 million properties enumerated in the first month of collection

Section: IBGE

November 01, 2017 01h13 PM | Last Updated: November 01, 2017 06h38 PM

With more than 20 thousand enumerators and supervisors at work, the first month of the Census of Agriculture 2017 was marked by adjustments, but also by fulfilled expectations, since more than one million establishments all over Brazil have already been enumerated. More work will come in the following months with the presence of more professionals in the field and the improvement of processes in the census operation. 

“The number of questionnaires received in this starting month surprised us, for we know the initial weeks are a period of adaptation. Data collection will last five months, for a total 5 million establishments, which means we need to process 1 million questionnaires per month. We managed to do that in October, and in November we will probably surpass that number, after making some adjustments and hiring more enumerators", says the technical coordinator for the Census of Agriculture, Antônio Florido.

Work does not end with the online submission of the questionnaires filled out in the establishments visted by the enumerator.  The data in them will be analyzed by supervisors and regional census agents who check the consistency of the information entered in the mobile collection device (DMC). The might be a mistake, for example, some type of inconsistency between the data, and that can be checked by supervisors by means of an online platform of the Institute.

 “We are very worried about the number - and the quality of data - in the questionnaires. So we need a supervision team and we need systems working perfectly so that the supervisors can access the data", Florido highlights. “The enumerator will be continuously visiting establishments. If there is no guidance concerinig the patterns to follow, erros will take place repeatedly."  

Census of Agriculture 2017 - status on 31/10/2017
Federation Units Establishments 
Estimate (2007)  Collected  % collected
BraZil 5,252,363 1,036,867 19.74
North 506,519 79,172 15.63
RONDÔNIA 88,093 22,810 25.89
ACRE 30,046 7,389 24.59
AMAZONAS 81,361 6,216 7.64
RORAIMA 10,655 2,739 25.71
PARÁ 236,141 25,924 10.98
AMAPÁ 3,555 952 26.78
TOCANTINS 56,668 13,142 23.19
Northeast 2,477,725 486,234 19.62
MARANHÃO 289,085 46,538 16.10
PIAUÍ 248,229 48,699 19.62
CEARÁ 383,902 78,707 20.50
RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 83,526 19,325 23.14
PARAÍBA 167,761 19,130 11.40
PERNAMBUCO 309,181 70,872 22.92
ALAGOAS 128,534 24,331 18.93
SERGIPE 100,927 18,211 18.04
BAHIA 766,580 160,421 20.93
Southeast 932,321 209,577 22.48
MINAS GERAIS 556,713 125,701 22.58
ESPÍRITO SANTO 85,214 21,242 24.93
RIO DE JANEIRO 58,900 12,139 20.61
SÃO PAULO 231,494 50,495 21.81
South 1,011,003 204,665 20.24
PARANÁ 373,044 76,404 20.48
SANTA CATARINA 195,199 43,206 22.13
RIO GRANDE DO SUL 442,760 85,055 19.21
Central West 324,795 57,219 17.62
MATO GROSSO DO SUL 65,127 11,189 17.18
MATO GROSSO 116,151 12,065 10.39
GOIÁS 139,427 32,725 23.47
FEDERAL DISTRICT 4,090 1,240 30.32

Works in progress all over the country

Although its not not taking place simultaneously in all the municipalities, the Census of Agriculture has already started in all the state of Brazil. Differences in data collection are based on the singularities of each location, such as Mato Grosso, for example, where the predominance of bi properties and the lack of enumerators have caused delay in the beginning of the operation. 

“We've been working at a good pace, in general. Some states, like Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraíba, worry us more because their results are below average. We have to detect the problem and help them fix it. Mato Grosso is a very complicated state, because the census tracts are huge, as the establishments in them", highlights the coordinator. “Our biggest preoccupation now is to cover the North and Central West”, he adds.

According to Florido, each state follows its own schedule, and the advance has been proportional to the number of enumerators in the field. “If we consider absolute figures, for example, Bajia has a lot of enumerators, and because of that a big number of establishments have already been visited. If we consider a proportional division, some smaller states are ahead."

On the average, each enumerator will visit about six census tracts (a division of the territory), which will help explain why some places still do not have enumerators at work. A very logical sequence is followed: they can only start working in a given area after finishing the previous one. So, when the enumerator visits a tract, other five, on the average, will be in line for collection. “Each enumerator delivers about 400 questionnaires, which means 5, 6 or 7 census tracts per professional. And they cover each one at a time.” Besides, more enumerators are needed, once not all the localities had approved candidates, and some other have given up. 

In order to fulfill that need, the IBGE is now having an extra selection process to hire more persons for open vacancies. “They are expected to start activities on November 20. They take tests and undergo training before being hired. That is why they must start in November". 

The Census of Agriculture has started smoothly, but the IBGE is aware of the important schedule ahead. A major reason is that the operation budget has two distinct fiscal years (approximately R$ 505 million in 2017 and R$ 280 million in 2018), which means that some steps of the survey must be concluded by the end of December to guarantee full use of the resources available. 

“It is the first time a Census operation will be divided into two fiscal years. we have to stick to the budget set for 2017 until the end of the year, ” Florido highlights. “We cannot lose sight of that, it is a strategic issue for the IBGE.”

Text: Rodrigo Paradella
Infographic: Pedro Vidal
Image: Pixabay

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