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Sustainable Development inspired wining team in the IBGE Hackathon Challenge

Section: IBGE

June 22, 2017 04h44 PM | Last Updated: July 18, 2017 04h06 PM

Using the IBGE data to raise awareness of the 17 Sustainable Objective Goals, of the United Nations: that was the motivation of the four members of the UNA team, which won the IBGE Hackathon Challenge: Dadonamão (Dataathand), held at the Brazilian Campus Party, from June 14 to 18, in the Federal District. Thirteen teams with four members each took part in the challenge to create a technological solution based on the theme: statistical and geoscientific information at everyone's reach. The second place was won by the "Geocartas" Team and the third by "Abre aqui"

The tool developed by the winners of the IBGE hackathon invites people to identify themselves and get aware of their work conditions, income, gender in view of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim at improving global living conditions until 2030. "The IBGE provided a robust data layer and we tried to show people just like you, at your age, who live where you live", explained Matheus Carneiro Godinho, from UNA. Another member, Ludmila Bela Cruz, said that the Hackathon Challenge brought her a better understanding of the Brazilian population. "I myself had never stopped to think which my place was among so many figures", added the student of Software Engineering from the Brasília University. The two other members of UNA team were Maria Luciene Felix and Marcelo Cristiano.

The second place - GeoCartas - is a project conceived from a ludic perspective based on games, in order to provide a greater identification between IBGE data and kids/teens. The third one, Abre Aqui, aims at helping businesspeople to identify demands and competitive advantages, with the aid of geographical, territorial data.

The coordinator of the IBGE hackathon, one of the Campus Party organizers, Eduardo Lopes, considered the hacker challenge successful, since it appealed initially to 150 people. He explained that the participants of the "hacker marathon" had to come up with Web or mobile applications using the IBGE data, according to four categories: game creation; data manipulation or visualization; social media and data manipulation and visualization. Out of the 13 initial teams, six were selected, and then three were the winners. Eduardo Lopes highlighted that the main motivation of the generation taking part in events such as Campus Party is not the prize, but "using their knowledge to make society a better place to live."

The manager of the IBGE Online Services, Ian Nunes, emphasized that the main gain of the Institution participating in the event is to open a communication channel with software developers and those who deal with open software.  "They are a generation that makes use of information to add value to society, on the grounds of information sharing, production of shared knowledge, applications and software powered by human productive force and creativity to take data closer to society", claimed Ian. As the event Campus Party is held in many states, Ian Nunes believes it would be positive for the IBGE to participate in the regional editions and get closer to local developers.

The prize for the winning team is a trip to visit the Data Science Lab of the Warwick Business School from the University of Warwick, England, with all expenses paid. There the team will be taking part in a hackathon using data on the United Kingdom. The second place will be given tickets for Campus Party BR 11, camping included, in January 2018; the third place will receive tickets for the event as well. Other institutions, besides the IBGE, also took the chance to pose challenges and acknowledge initiatives based on their database, following Campus Party’s tradition. Therefore, in this edition, other hackathons also took place: EduLivre, BRB (Brasília Bank), Caixa Seguradora and Inova Brasília.

Campus Party is the greatest technological experience of the world, bringing together young geeks (technology and electronic game fans) in a festival of innovation, creativity, science, entrepreneurship and digital universe. This edition of the event in the country's capital gathered more than 64 thousand visitors, 5 thousand "campusers", more than 250 hours of content and 20 GB of Internet speed, international speakers and workshops, 40GB High Speed Internet, robot battles and simulators, 1st International Drone Competition, Startup&Makers and Networking, Camping.

Winning teams:

1st place - UNA - UNA was designed to use data from the IBGE and show Brazil's positioning regarding improvement in the areas of health and welfare, education and gender equality. It is based on and integrated with the 17 Global Goals, defined by the UN, to be achieved until 2030.

2nd place - GEOCARTAS - The GeoCartas project was conceived from a ludic, gamified perspective in order to provide a greater identification between IBGE data and kids or youngsters. The interaction among users from different Brazilian states and the good old tradition of exchanging letters and stickers from albums aims at enhancing knowledge on the national municipalities.

3rd place ABRE AQUI - Helping business persons identifying demands and competitive advantages with the aid of geographic, territorial data, grounded on population needs: That's how Abre Aqui intends to contribute to the optimization and record of the consumer needs of a certain region.


Text: Adriana Gonçalves Saraiva
Photos: Maria Luisa Fonseca Pimenta

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