ENCE invites for postgraduate inaugural lectures
March 06, 2025 10h19 AM | Last Updated: March 06, 2025 03h01 PM
ENCE invites for inaugural lectures of postgraduate programs on Monday, March 10. The inaugural lecture of the stricto sensu postgraduate program (Master and PhD) will be at 4 pm at the André Cavalcanti campus. At 6 pm, the on-line lecture of the lato sensu program (specialization) will take place on the Teams platform. Themes related to climate change will be discussed.
Urban policy in times of housing crisis and climate change
In 2025, the ENCE´s postgraduate program in Population, Territory and Public Statistics will host the 27th class. To kick the activities off, an open inaugural lecture will be held with researcher Raquel Rolnik. The theme of the class is "Urban policy in times of housing crisis and climate change."
Raquel Rolnik is a town planner, professor of the Architecture and Urbanization College of the University of São Paulo (USP), coordinator of the Right to Cities and Public Spaces Laboratory (LabCidade) and mayor of the USP´s Butantã Campus.
The lecture will be on-site on March 10 at 4 pm at the ENCE´s Auditorium (room 306), located at 106 André Cavalcanti Street - Downtown - Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
Microclimate vulnerability and environmental justice
The academic year of the course of Specialization in Environmental Analysis and Territory Management will begin on March 10 as well. The inaugural program will count with the participation of Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, ENCE´s Coordinator General, Angelita Alves de Carvalho, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program, and Professor Joice de Souza Soares, Manager of the Specialization Program.
The inaugural lecture, called "Microclimate vulnerability and environmental justice: challenges for fighting against the extreme heat in Rio de Janeiro", will be conducted by Núbia Beray Armond, Professor of the UFRJ and of the Indiana University.
The event will take place at 6 pm in on-line format, open to all the interested persons. You should access the Microsoft Teams platform according to the following information:
Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjdhMjc1NmItNTliNS00ZmY2LWFkYmYtMDM5MzE0MzM2ODcw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d7dda5bb-4810-469b-a681-7e1bc4b84ce9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224c2013c5-f265-44b5-9a98-6c698ab7e42e%22%7d
Meeting id: 293 772 626 959
Password: eu29Qt2r