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Construction prices rise 0.51% in January

Section: Economic Statistics | Breno Siqueira

February 11, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 13, 2025 04h48 PM

Driven by the adjustment of the minimum wage, workforce records a drop of 0.97% in January - Photo: Gilson Abreu/AEN-PR

The National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI), released today (11) by the IBGE, increased by 0.51% in January. The rate is 0.30 percentage points (p.p.) above the rate of December (0.21%) and 0.32 p.p. above the rate of January 2024 (0.19%). The cumulative index in 12 months reached 4.31%, a result above the 3.98% of the immediately previous 12 months. 

The national cost by square meter, which closed December at R$ 1,790.66, reached R$ 1,799.82 in January, being R$ 1,036.80 relative to materials, and R$ 763.02 to workforce.

“Materials recorded a change of 0.18%, and the year started with a drop from december in the preceding year. Against the index in January 2024, there was an increase of 0.04 percentage points,” Augusto Oliveira, manager of the survey, explained. 

Workforce, with a rate of 0.97% in January 2025, increased from December, as against the same month a year ago. “This change resulted from the price adjustment of the national minimum wage, implemented in January, and the application of collective agreements in three states,” Oliveira added. 

In January, the Northeast Region registered the biggest monthly change 

The Northeast Region, wit an increase in eight of the nine states - with a highlight to Piauí (2.07%), also influenced by the rise in professional categories – recorded the biggest regional change in January, 0.61%. The other Major Regions recorded the following results: 0.48% (North), 0.55% (Southeast), 0.38% (South) and 0.30% (Central West). 

In January, Amapá records biggest increase

With increase in both materials and professional categories, Amapá was the state with the biggest increase in the first month of the year, 2.89%.

More about SINAPI

SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with national coverage, in order to elaborate and evaluate budgets as well as monitor costs.

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