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Agricultural production

With a rise of 10.2%, 2025 harvest should reach 322.6 million tonnes

Section: Economic Statistics | Breno Siqueira

January 14, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 14, 2025 02h28 PM

With an increase in soybeans (15.4% or 22.3 million tonnes), 2025 harvest should rise 10.2% - Picture: Gilson Abreu AEN/PR

The national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is expected to reach 322.6 million tonnes in 2025, a rise of 10.2% in relation to 2024, with more 29.9 million tonnes, according to the third forecast of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA), released today (14) by the IBGE,

The increase in the output is due to a higher estimate, mainly of soybeans (15.4% or 22 347 519 t), corn - 1st crop (9.3% or 2 124 233 t), corn - 2nd crop (4.1% or 3 736 047 t), rice (8.1% or 856 065 t), wheat (4.8% or 360 657 t), beans - 1st crop (30.9% or 276 071 t). Upland cottonseed is expected to remain stable (0.0% or 2,354 t), whereas sorghum is expected to decline 3.2% or -127,688 t.

Concerning the expected area, beans - 1st crop (6.3%), rice (5.8%), soybeans (2.7%), upland cottonseed (1.6%) and corn - 2nd crop (1.2%) should increase. On the other hand, corn - 1st crop (-1.6%), sorghum (-1.0%) and wheat (-2.8%) should drop.

"The growth is due to the recovery of the soybeans harvest, which faced many problems in 2024. It is helped by favorable weather conditions for crops in most Brazilian areas, even with a delay to begin cropping. By using high technology, producers managed to recover such delay. Rainfall has been fair in most producing regions, which benefits crops that are on the way, like soybeans and corn - 1st crop," highlighted Carlos Guedes, IBGE´s Manager of Agriculture.

The growth was 2.5% in relation to the second forecast, which represented more 7.8 million tonnes.

Estimate for 2024 harvest stays at 292.7 million tonnes and closes the year with a drop of 7.2%

The 12th estimate for the 2024 harvest revealed a production of 292.7 million tonnes, 7.2% below that obtained in 2023 (315.4 million tonnes), a decline of 22.7 million tonnes.

The area to be harvested was 79.0 million hectares, growing 1.6% against 2023, an increase of 1.6 million hectares. The area to be harvested declined 68,942 hectares (-0.1%) in relation to the November´s estimate.

A production of 144.9 million tonnes was estimated for soybeans. As for corn, the estimate was 114.7 million tonnes (22.9 million tonnes for corn - 1st crop and 91.8 million tonnes for corn - 2nd crop). The output of rice was estimated at 10.6 million tonnes, that of wheat, at 7.5 million tonnes, that of upland cottonseed, at 8.9 million tonnes and that of sorghum, at 4.0 million tonnes.

In relation to the 2023 harvest, increases of 14.6% for upland cottonseed; 3.0% for rice; 5.0% for beans were registered, as well as decreases of 4.6% for soybeans; 12.5% for corn (reductions of 17.4% in corn - 1st crop and of 11.2% in corn - 2nd crop), 2.9% for wheat and 7.5% for sorghum.

"Soybean cropping was delayed due to weather problems, especially in the Central-West and South regions. Excess of rainfall in the south of Brazil, like the Rio Grande do Sul floods, jeopardized some crops of rice, soybeans and corn - 1st crop. Not to mention high temperatures and lack of rainfall in the second crop, affecting corn and wheat," explained Carlos Guedes.

About the LSPA

Launched in November 1972 aiming at addressing the demand of users for monthly short-term statistical information, the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA provides estimates of planted area, harvested area, amount produced and average yield of products selected based on criteria of economic and social importance for Brazil. It does not only monitor each crop investigated in the calendar year of reference, from the intention to plant up to the end of the harvest, but also presents the harvest forecast for the coming year, with surveys in the months of October, November and December. The LSPA is available on Sidra. The next result of the LSPA will be on February 13.

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