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Digital Era Conference: seven Working Groups hold discussions on Technology and Data this Wednesday at 2 pm

Section: IBGE

July 31, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: July 31, 2024 02h17 PM

Seven Working Groups hold discussions on Technology and Data this Wednesday (31)

On the third day of the National Conference of Data Producers and Users, organized by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in partnership with the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), seven working groups start, at 2 pm, today, discussions about technology and data. The Conference is being held at the Maracanã campus of UERJ, in the north area of the capital of rio de Janeiro. Registration for in-person participation in the WGs is free and still open at the IBGE Virtual Shop.

The Conference will last until Friday, August 02, and present six thematic round tables and 23 working groups, gathering more than 500 technicians and more than 100 speakers and round table and group coordinators, bringing together experts, representatives of tech giants, public managers, government data companies, multilateral organizations and social movements, scholars and students, and civil society organizations to discuss topics such as digital sovereignty and the consolidation of the National System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data, SINGED. The schedule of the Conference and the descriptions of WGs are available here.

The Working Groups (WGs) meeting today will discuss aspects such as the growing employment of big data concepts and resources, new models and integration architecture, interoperability patterns, data science, artificial intelligence, open source software, better automation of processes and services, partnerships with other institutions for the secure exchange of data, alignment with the digital transformation process, conformity with governance standards and guidelines, construction and improvement of internal rules, security and data management. 

Check the working groups scheduled for today (31):

WG1: Fundamental statistical and geoscientific themes and incorporation of administrative records as official data sources

Considering the demands for social, economic and environmental statistics, the incorporation of administrative records as a source of data becomes a challenge. Different organizations produce a huge volume of information, data and records for a number of purposes. Transforming these records into sources of data for geoscientific and statistical purposes has become a major challenge today.

Coordination: Claudio Crespo – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics/Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE


  • Frederico Poley Martins Ferreira, João Pinheiro Foundation and Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG
  • Lucas Ferreira Mation, General-Coordinator of Data Sciences and Information Technology of the Institute for Applied Economic Research - Ipea
  • Mauricio Barreto, Coordinator of the Center of Knowledge and Data Integration for Health (Cidacs), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation-Bahia

WG2: Big Data challenge

Discuss routines and criteria to share data, taking into account the challenges associated with the capture, storage and organization of huge databases, in order to assure appropriate access by means of technological and technical structures, maintaining their integrity.

Coordinator: Marcelo Maranhão, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics/Directorate of Geosciences  - IBGE/DGC

10 minutes - IBGE presentations as support material for  Confest Confege discussions:

Group 4 – Andrea Diniz da Silva, National School of Statistical Sciences – ENCE


  • Ivan Barbosa, National Institute for Space Research - INPE
  • Cristiano Cunha, Federal Police, Head of the Geomatics Service and Coordinator of the Managing Committee of the Brasil MAIS Program of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security - MJSP
  • Lucíola Magalhães, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA
  • Andrea Diniz da Silva, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE

GT3: Interoperability as a challenge before diversity and data volume

Present and discuss different aspects associated with the interoperability, whether semantic, of data or technical. Discuss the interoperability in an environment of data infrastructure, considering the need of different institutions and systems to share and use data in an efficient way. To guarantee the exchange, integration and processing of data, it is required to propose a standardization of the metadata, assure the semantic interoperability and a regulatory effort for the legal coordination among systems in order to assure an efficient governance.

Coordinator: Alexandre José Almeida Teixeira, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics/Directorate of Geosciences – IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - IBGE presentations as support material for  Confest Confege discussions:
Group 5 – Cláudio Ananias Ferraz, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics /Directorate of Information Technology - IBGE/DTI


  • Gabriela Ruberg, Regional Administrative Manager of the Central Bank of Brazil - Bacen
  • Edgar Shinzato, Head of the Department of Institutional Information of the Geological Service of Brazil - CPRM
  • Márcia Cardador, Coordinator-General of Interoperability - Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services - MGI
  • Cláudio Ananias Ferraz, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE

GT4: National Data Infrastructure

Discuss the strengthening of a National Data Infrastructure aiming at streamlining the access to official data and foster its use for a number of purposes. The data infrastructures should be based on standards, technologies, procedures and control mechanisms, based on public data and information in the Open Data model, thus improving the electronic administration in the public sector to assure citizens the right to efficiently access public data for decision making.

Coordinator: João Bosco de Azevedo, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE


  • Rogerio Borba, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC
  • Flavia Pedrosa Pereira, Under Secretary for Territorial Planning and Infrastructure Programs of the Ministry of Planning and Budget - MPO
  • Silvana Camboim, Federal University of Paraná - UFPR
  • Rafael Simão de Moraes Jardim, Brazilian Court of Audit - TCU
  • Felipe Cerbella Mandarino, Directorate of Information of the City of Rio de Janeiro - Pereira Passos Institute

GT5: Innovation in the integration of surveys and sources of alternative data


  • Maria Paula Ferreira, Manager of Methodology and Statistics of the SEADE Foundation - State System of Data Analysis
  • Felipe Nunes, Founding Partner of Quaest Surveying and Consulting

GT6: National Data Sovereignty

Coordinator: Marcos Vinicius Ferreira Mazoni, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Information Technology - IBGE/DTI

10 minutes - IBGE presentations as support material for  Confest Confege discussions:

Group 7 – Thiego Gonçalves Ferreira, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics /Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE


  • Sergio Amadeo, Federal University of the ABC - UFABC
  • Leticia Bartholo, Secretary of Assessment, Information Management and Single Registry of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger - MDS 
  • Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE

National Conference of Data Producers and Users

Venue: Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Date: July 29 - August 02
Streamed on: Digital IBGE and Webex, for registered participants (except from WGs)
Registration: IBGE Virtual Shop
Information: Conference website
Document for discussion: Document for the dialogue

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