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IBGE and Ministry of Social Security sign protocol of intentions

Section: IBGE | Breno Siqueira

July 02, 2024 05h06 PM | Last Updated: July 03, 2024 11h54 PM

The minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi, and the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, signed the document to establish a Technical Cooperation Agreement -  Photo: Marcio Costa/]IBGE News Agency

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) signed, last Monday, 1, a protocol of intentions with the Ministry of Social Security (MPS), at the headquarters of the Institute, located downtown Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

The minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi, and the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, signed the document in order to establish a Technical Cooperation Agreement mixing different unit and, among the purposes,  produce and disseminate information aiming at the formulation and execution of public policies at national and regional level.

Minister Carlos Lupi spoke about the role of the IBGE in the production of statistical data: “I see the IBGE as the holder of all official data within the federal government. The Institute has expertise, respectability and experience enough to coordinate all the necessary information to help public agencies work in more synchrony, so that one knows what activities the others are carrying out."

Marcio Pochmann, president of the IBGE, and Carlos Lupi, Minister of Social Security - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE news Agency

The minister added that the meeting had the objective of “advancing in the sense of a cooperation for the elaboration of Social Security Portrait covering the 25 years, the impacts for the country, and, mainly, on the defense of the most vulnerable segment of society. This protocol will be a type of umbrella encompassing others we may sign in coming years. This is the starting point of a process will bring the Brazilian society many benefits”.

President of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann highlighted that “the initiative is related to work that the Institute develops in relation to Brazilian democracy and the prospect for coming years, consisting of a fundamental element for Social Security in decades to come.”

Pochmann explained that the protocol of intentions will have “a specific work plan of the attributions of the IBGE, and that also establishes a commitment by the Ministry of Social Security, such as the physical facilities of the Ministry in Rio de Janeiro and in other areas that can serve the Institute in its needs.”

Besides president Marcio Pochmann, the assistant to the President, Denis Gimenez, the executive director, Flavia Vinhaes, the director of Surveys, Elizabeth Hypólito, the director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista and the coordinator general of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE), Paulo Jannuzzi, who attended the meeting on behalf of the IBGE.

OThe minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi, special advisors Renata Magioli dos Santos and Bruno Ribeiro Cardoso, besides the regional superintendent of Southeast of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), Marco Fernandes, represented the Ministry in the signature event.

 IBGE Board of Directors andrepresentatives of the Misnistry participated in the meeting - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

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