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IBGE Schedule

IBGE releases Schedule for July 1-7

Section: IBGE

July 01, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: July 01, 2024 09h00 AM

IBGE Schedule brings the IBGE´s schedule for the week - Picture: Bel Corção/Brasil com S

Released today (1) at 9am, the IBGE Agenda brings the IBGE´s activities for this week. The schedule includes the releases, internal and external meetings, as well as events and appointments of the Presidency, Directorates and Advisories, State Superintendencies and the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

The IBGE Agenda is published every Monday at 9am. Check the complete IBGE schedule for this week on the IBGE Schedule channel.


On Monday (1), at 10am, representatives of the Presidency participate in a meeting with the SDG 18 team on Institutional Relations. At 1:30pm, a team of the Presidency takes part in the internal event "Information surveying and initial actions related to the report of the Comptorller activities in the first semester of 2024." At 2pm, the Minister of Social Security visits the IBGE.

On Tuesday (2), at 9am, a Presidency team participated in a meeting of Institutional Relations of the International Forum on the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD). At 9:30am, the Presidency takes part in the first meeting of the Advisory Commission of the 12th IBGE´s Census of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture.

On Wednesday (3), at 9am, the Presidency particiaptes in a follow-up meeting of the Operational Database (BDO). At 11am, a Presidency team travels to take part in a meeting with the President of the Federal Couts of Accounts (TCU).

On Thursday (4), at 8am, an internal inspection will be held: Analyses of the new admissibility of the manifestations of FALA.BR. At 2pm, an internal meeting with the General Coordination of Census Operations will take place on the schedule of census operations.

On Friday (5), at 8am, a team takes part in a meeting with a SDG Project advisor.

IBGE´s Directorates and Advisories

On July 1st, Monday, at 2:30pm, representatives of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) participate in a meeting between the IBGE and the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) on the Pollinators Database. At 3pm, an ENCE team takes part in meeting on Qualitative Survey.

On Tuesday (2), at 8am, ENCE representatives participate in the Literacy Extension Project, at the Orlando Vilas Boas Municipal School. At 9:30am, a DGC team takes part in the 1st meeting of the Adivisory Commission of the 12th IBGE´s Census of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture. At 11am, representatives of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) participate in an on-line meeting of the Working Group on Business Dynamics, Demography and Enterpreneurship (UNSD).

Still on Tuesday, all day long, a DPE team takes part in the event I Journey of Socio-Assistance Surveillance of SMAS presenting the Overview of the 2022 IBGE Census for Rio de Janeiro.

On Wednesday (3), at 10am, the Coordination of Social Communication (CCS) will carry out the on-line press release of the Monthly Survey of Industry (PIM-Brazil) with the reference period of May 2024. At 11am, ENCE representatives participate in a planning meeting of the Workshop of vulnerability to climate changes.

On Thursday (4), all day long, a DPE team takes part in the Seminar of Economic Scenario of the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea). At 9:30am, a team of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI) parrticipate in a meeting with Imagem Geossistemas Company (company that markets ArcGIS software). At 10am, ENCE representatives participate in a meeting with representatives of the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).

Still on Thursday, at 2pm, an ENCE team takes part in a meeting with researchers of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) on the project of the survey on population ageing. At 4pm, an ENCE team participates in a meeting with representatives of the Catholic Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) on the Sidra project in universities. At 4:30pm, DGC representatives take part in a planning meeting of the IV Brazilian Symposium of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SBIDE IV).

On Friday, at 4pm, a DGC team takes part in a meeting between the IBGE and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) on Environmental Economic Accounts.

State Superintendencies

On Monday (1), at 10am, the Superintendent of the State Superintendence of Alagoas (SES-AL) will be interviewed by CBN Radio to disseminate the event IBGE External Dialogues: The importance of enterprise surveys for the Alagoas economy.

On Tuesday (2), an extension course on Workforce Sizing wil ltake place at the State Superintendence of Sergipe (SES-SE).

On Wednesday (3), at 7:30pm, the Workshop of digital tools of the IBGE website will take place at the State Superintendence of Mato Grosso do Sul (SES-MS) for students of Geography of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), carried out by officers of the Section of Information Dissemination.

Betwen Thursday (4) and Tuesday (9), the Seminar IBGE-Alagoas Dialogues: enterprise surveys will take place at SES-AL with DPE representatives.

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