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2022 Census

Brazil has 207.8 million inhabitants, shows preview of 2022 Census

Section: IBGE | Caio Belandi e Carlos Alberto Guimarães

December 28, 2022 11h35 AM | Last Updated: December 28, 2022 03h25 PM

  • Highlights

  • Data were calculated based on the 2022 Census questionnaires answered up to December 25 and use the preliminary result in the municipalities where the data collection had already finished and a combination of collected data and estimates for the other municipalities.
  • The information released was delivered to the TCU to calculate the distribution of the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund (FPM).
  • The table with the estimated population for each municipality will be published in the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU).
Following a statistical model, the IBGE releases preliminary results from 83.9% of the enumerated population - Picture: Claudio Vieira/PMSJC

The IBGE releases today (28) the preliminary population of the municipalities based on the data collected by the 2022 Population Census up to December 25, which shows that Brazil reached 207,750,291 inhabitants this year. See the complete list here.

The release aims at observing the law that establishes that the IBGE should provide, on an annual basis, the calculation of the population of each one of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities to the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU). Following a statistical model, the IBGE provides a preliminary result for 2022 from 83.9% of the enumerated population.

“The model adopted was very studied and it was approved by the 2022 Census Advisory Commission, which scrutinized the process developed to provide the TCU and the society with the best real and technical data possible,” states Cimar Azeredo, the IBGE´s Director of Surveys.

IBGE adopted statistical model to produce the preliminary population

The IBGE studied proposals to observe the legal obligations related to the release of the municipal populations. After several analyses, the IBGE team concluded that the best model is the one that uses 2022 Census data in the municipalities where the data collection had finished and a combination of collected data and estimates for the other municipalities. “The IBGE´s mission is to portray the reality. While discussing the proposals, we chose the one that gets as close as possible the population reality of the households in Brazil,” explains Luciano Duarte, the Census Technical Coordinator.

The information released was delivered today (28) to the TCU to calculate the distribution of the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund (FPM), according to the number of inhabitants. The table containing the preliminary population for each municipality was published in the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU). The methodological note and the population estimates for the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities and for the 27 Federation Units can be seen here.

Preliminary population calculated based on the results of the 2022 Population Census up to December 25, 2022
Brazil 207,750,291
North Region 17,834,762
Rondônia 1,616,379
Acre 829,780
Amazonas 3,952,262
Roraima 634,805
Pará 8,442,962
Amapá 774,268
Tocantins 1,584,306
Northeast Region 55,389,382
Maranhão 6,800,605
Piauí 3,270,174
Ceará 8,936,431
Rio Grande do Norte 3,303,953
Paraíba 4,030,961
Pernambuco 9,051,113
Alagoas 3,125,254
Sergipe 2,211,868
Bahia 14,659,023
Southeast Region 87,348,223
Minas Gerais 20,732,660
Espírito Santo 3,975,100
Rio de Janeiro 16,615,526
São Paulo 46,024,937
South Region 30,685,598
Paraná 11,835,379
Santa Catarina 7,762,154
Rio Grande do Sul 11,088,065
Central-West Region 16,492,326
Mato Grosso do Sul 2,833,742
Mato Grosso 3,784,239
Goiás 6,950,976
Federal District 2,923,369
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas - DPE -  Coordenação Técnica do Censo Demográfico - CTD

Households not yet enumerated should call Disk Census 137

Up to December 25 this year, 83.9% of the population had already been enumerated, adding up to 87.7 million private households and more than 178 million people. The 2022 Census is collecting data since August 1st and it will continue during January 2023.

Residents of the households where nobody answered the 2022 Census should call Disk Census 137, which attends every state in Brazil. The service will be available gradually in the municipalities, according to the progress of the data collection in each place. Click here to check whether the Disk Census is available in your municipality.

The call is free of charge and can be made from any landline or cellular telephone every day from 8 AM to 9:30 PM.

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