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2022 Census

IBGE opens complementary selection process with 106 positions for Census

Section: IBGE | Umberlândia Cabral

May 04, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 04, 2022 05h11 PM

Of the 106 positions, 97 are for Operational Census Agents and 9, for Sub-area Census Coordinators - Photo: IBGE Archive

The IBGE opened a complementary simplified selection process (PSS) to temporarily hire professionals to work in the 2022 Census. It includes 106 positions, 97 of them to Operational Census Agents (ACOs) and 9 to Sub-area Census Coordinators (CCSs). Enrollment started on Monday (2) and will close next Friday (6). Those interested can enroll either on-line or on-site. No rate will be charged.

The positions for Operational Census Agents are for Maceió (AL), São Luís (MA), Campo Grande (MS), João Pessoa (PB), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Florianópolis (SC). Complete secondary education is required to exert this function. Among other activities, ACOs will help the administrative and information technology work in the unit where they are assigned. Monthly compensation is R$1,700.

The positions for Sub-area Census Agents are distributed along municipalities in Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Compensation for this function is R$3,100. Complete secondary education and driver´s license at least under category B are required. Among other activities, their assignments are to follow up the work of national coordination teams and state supervision teams, as well as to implement guidelines received and account for technical, administrative and operational issues.

How to enroll

To enroll through the Internet, candidates should fill the enrollment form and send it through email to the IBGE´s State Unit in charge of the locality of their positions. Candidates should attach copies of their documents (id and academic title). The analysis of the titles will be of qualifying nature.

Those who decide to enroll on-site should take a copy of the id and academic title (like a diploma or a school-leaving certificate) to one of the IBGE venues listed in the annex of the public notice corresponding to the position desired.

Complementary process

The complementary PSS is a way to proceed the selection started through the public notice no. 03/2019, which aimed at hiring census agents and coordinators.

“This model is used to provide the positions in the localities that did not have sufficient candidates approved to meet the needs of the original selection process,” completes Bernardo Caú, IBGE´s manager of Provision.

Hirings will be accomplished according to Law 8,745, which allows to hire personnel for a certain time to meet temporary needs of exceptional public interest.

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