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Regional industry

Industry grows in 11 areas in September and nine exceed pre-pandemic levels

Section: Economic Statistics | Irene Gomes

November 10, 2020 09h00 AM | Last Updated: November 10, 2020 10h15 AM

#PraCegoVer Pátio de montadora de carro com umcarro suspenso sem portas e com capôt aberto
Motor vehicles drive increases in São Paulo industry - Photo: José Fernando Ogura/ANE-PR

With increases in 11 of the 15 surveyed placess between August and September, the industrial sector has been largely resuming production, after the Covid 19 lockdown. In September, nine states recovered the pre-pandemic production level: Amazonas, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Goiás, São Paulo, Pará, Santa Catarina, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul.

The results are from the Monthly Survey of Industry (PIM-Regional edition), released today (8) by the IBGE.

São Paulo, the state with the greatest weight in the industry, also had the main positive impact on the national index of the month (2.6%). According to survey manager Bernardo Almeida, the influence of São Paulo came from the motor vehicle sector, which was also the main activity in the national average. “The increase of 5.0% was the fifth consecutive positive rate in São Paulo. In that period, the state had already accumulated a gain of 46.6% and is 4.4% above the production level of February 2020”, he informs.

Paraná, with an increase of 7.7%, had the highest result in magnitude and the second positive impact on the index. "In the case of Paraná, the positive influence came, in addition to the vehicle sector, from the machinery and equipment sector", explains Mr. Almeida. This is the fifth consecutive positive rate, accumulating a gain of 46.2%. The state has also reached the pre-pandemic level, being 0.5% above the production level of February.

On the other hand, with a 3.1% decrease, Rio de Janeiro was the main negative impact on the national industry. “Rio de Janeiro came from four consecutive increases, a period in which it accumulated a gain of 19.8%. However, with the fall of September, the state is again at a level 2.6% below that of February”, highlights the survey manager. Mr. Almeida also explains that the negative influence came from the petroleum refining and mining and quarrying sectors, which are very active in the industry in Rio de Janeiro.

Pernambuco, which had recovered from the pandemic in August, had a fall of 1.3% in September production, being 0.3% below the level of February.

Industry grows in 12 out of 15 areas compared to September 2019

In relation to September 2019, the increase of 3.4% in national industrial production was spread over 12 of the 15 surveyed locations. “This is the first positive result after ten months of falls, since November 2019”, stresses Mr. Almeida.

According to him, São Paulo also had the main impact in this comparison, with an increase of 4.9%, driven by the sectors of food products, with greater production of sugar (granulated and VHP), and petroleum products, with an increase mainly in the production of diesel fuel, fuel oils and motor gasoline.

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