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Due to the novel coronavirus outbreak

Population Census is postponed to 2021; data collection of IPCA and Continuous PNAD is suspended

Section: IBGE | Da redação

March 17, 2020 04h30 PM | Last Updated: March 20, 2020 09h24 AM

Selection process to hire enumerators and supervisors is suspended - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency

Due to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health related to the emergency of public health caused by COVID-19, the IBGE will postpone the Population Census to 2021. The IBGE also decided to suspend the face-to-face data collection of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey – Continuous PNAD, National System of Consumer Price Indexes – IPCA, IPCA-15, IPCA-E and INPC, and National System of Costs and Indexes Surveys of Civil Construction – SINAPI.

In order to carry out the census operation in 2021, the IBGE committed to reallocate the budget of the 2020 Census to the actions against the corona virus, maintained by the Ministry of Health. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health will reallocate that same budget next year so that the Census can be accomplished by the IBGE.

The selection process to hire enumerators and supervisors is suspended. Candidates who have already paid their enrollment will be reimbursed according to the guidelines that will be published in the next days.

This decision takes into account the nature of the Census data collection, essentially face-to-face, with estimates of visits of more than 180 thousand enumerators to nearly 71 million housing units in the entire Brazilian territory. It also takes into account the impossibility to carry out, in a timely manner, the complete training program for the census operation, scheduled to start in April 2020 in a centralized way and then replicated in regional and local poles up to July.

In order to reflect the reference date of the last Censuses carried out in Brazil, the next Population Census will have July 31, 2021 as the reference date and the data are scheduled to be collected between August 1 and October 31, 2021.

Continuous PNAD and price indexes have data collection suspended

The IBGE also decided to suspend the face-to-face data collection of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey – Continuous PNAD and National System of Costs and Indexes Surveys of Civil Construction – SINAPI, considering the emergency of public health.

The IBGE remains looking for alternatives to carry out the surveys without visiting housing units. Any option or possibility will be previously tested and validated to assure the standards of quality and excellence of its technical staff, pursuing the preservation of the time series as well.

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