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Regional industry

Industry has the greatest spread-out growth since truckers' strike

Section: Economic Statistics | Alerrandre Barros

March 12, 2020 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 12, 2020 11h56 AM

Vehicles, machinery and basic metals drove the high in industrial production in São Paulo - Photo: José Paulo Lacerda/CNI

The national industrial production advanced in 13 of the 15 places surveyed by the IBGE from December to January, when the sector recorded a high of 0.9%, after two consecutive drops. The outspread of positive rates, put out today (12) by the Monthly Survey of Industry - Regional Edition, is the biggest since June 2018, when the industry started recovering from the truckers' strike, which started in March that year.

According to the analyst in charge of the survey, Bernardo Almeida, the state of São Paulo, the largest industrial park in the country, grew 2.3% and pushed the indicator up in the month. “São Paulo's industry has had two negative months, in which it accumulated a 3.7% drop. January's result was the highest since August 2019 (3.2%). This increase was driven by the sectors of motor vehicles, machinery and equipment and basic metals”, he said.

Rio de Janeiro had the second largest positive influence on the index, with an increase of 3.9%, influenced by the sectors of motor vehicles and petroleum products. "As a result, Rio de Janeiro's industry offset the decrease registered in December (-3.9%)", analyzed Mr. Almeida, adding that the result was the biggest since July last year.

The survey analyst also highlights the 10.3% growth in the industrial production in the state of Bahia. “The result had the third biggest influence on the index and is the highest since June 2018, when it reached 16.3%. Bahia's industry managed to offset, with January's high, the losses of the three prior months, which totaled a 5.5% decline. The major sectors were chemicals, motor vehicles and petroleum products”, says Bernardo Almeida.


Other increases were detected by the survey in Pernambuco (8.7%), in the Northeast Region (3.2%), in Rio Grande do Sul (2.7%), in Espírito Santo (2.5%), in Minas Gerais (1.9%), in Paraná (1.7%), in Ceará (1.5%), in Goiás (1.3%) and in Amazonas (1.2%). Santa Catarina (0.8%) closes the group with positive rates, but it was the only place that was below the national average (0.9%).

On the other hand, the industries of Pará (-4.2%) and Mato Grosso (-2.3%) decreased in January. In Pará, the drop was the most intense since September 2019, due to the mining and quarrying sector, and eliminated the 2.7% growth of December. Mato Grosso, in turn, recorded the second consecutive negative rate, accumulating a loss of 7.2% in this period.

Industry falls in seven places in comparison with January 2019

In relation to January last year, seven of the fifteen surveyed places presented negative results, driving the industry's 0.9% drop. “This is still a result of the breakdown of the Brumadinho dam, which affected the production of iron ore, ferroniobium and steel products. The mining industry fell 14.2% and impacted Espírito Santo (-20.9%). The mining and quarrying sector in Pará also decreased 6.6% ”, concludes the survey analyst.

Keywords: Indústria, Regional, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Veículos, Janeiro, 2020.

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