Censo 2020
IBGE opens 208 thousand positions for census agents and enumerators
March 05, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 05, 2020 01h00 PM
The 2020 Population Census will go from home to home to portray a new picture of the Brazilian reality. To accomplish this task, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE will hire 208,695 temporary workers by means of Simplified Selection Processes - PSSs to be launched next Thursday (5). Enumerator is the function that offers the highest number of job positions (180,557), requiring primary education. The other call notice aims at filling 5,462 positions for Municipal Census Agents - ACMs and 22,676 positions for Supervisor Census Agents - ACSs, both of them requiring secondary education. Enrollment is open from March 5 to 24 on the Cebraspe website.
The monthly compensation for ACMs is R$2,100.00. They are expected to manage a team of supervisor agents and enumerators. ACSs will receive R$1,700.00 per month, accomplishing technical, administrative and operational tasks. Enumerators will receive according with their productivity, depending on the area of the data collection and on the amount of establishments enumerated.
This time, even those who worked in the IBGE with a temporary contract in recent months can take part in the selection processes. Therefore, enumerators and supervisors of the 2017 Census of Agriculture and 2019 Dress Rehearsal are able to enroll again, according to the new Provisional Measure no. 922/20, which changed the rules for temporary hiring of persons in the federal public service established in Law no. 8,745/93.
The tests for ACMs and ACSs will be applied on May 17 in the 4,612 municipalities with available positions. The test for Enumerators will take place in the next weekend (May 24) in all the 5,569 Brazilian municipalities. The difference in the dates allows a candidate to take part in both selection processes. As all the Brazilian cities will have at least one test site for Enumerators, candidates need not to shift to a neighbor municipality. The IBGE usually applies the tests between 1pm and 5pm, allowing candidates of large municipalities and those requiring to shift to arrive in the test sites well in advance.
As an extra facility, candidates can choose their work area in the municipality at the enrolling time. The idea is that all the approved persons are perfectly acquainted with their work regions. "It aims at channeling the selection of those candidates who are acquainted with the basic aspects of those places, like access, geography, security and cultural characteristics", explains Bruno Malheiros, IBGE´s coordinator of Human Resources. "As an example, the city of Rio de Janeiro provides positions for the communities of Rocinha, Maré and Complexo do Alemão, among others. In Monte Alegre de Goiás, candidates for enumerator can opt for areas with traditional peoples, like the Kalunga Quilombola Community", adds him.
The enrollment fee for the secondary education positions is R$35.80 and for Enumerator, R$23.61. Fees can be paid in any bank, lottery or through the Internet.
The ACM position for each Federation Unit will be offered to the best ranked candidates. The positions of ACSs established for the Federation Unit or Data Collection Site will be assured to the other approved candidates, following the classification order. The results of the tests will be released in June (ACMs and ACSs) and July (Enumerators) and they will be hired thereafter. The fieldwork of the 2020 Census will begin in August.
Taking 5 days and 8 hours per day, the enumerators will receive a training load, of eliminatory and qualifying nature. The candidates who attend at least 80% of the training load will receive an allowance. The period of the temporary contract for Enumerators is 3 months, with a possible extension. For the other positions, the contract is scheduled for 5 months.