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Regional industry

São Paulo drives industrial production increase, but Goiás and Amazonas have the highest advances

Section: Economic Statistics | Cristiane Crelier

December 10, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 10, 2019 09h38 AM

Car production in São Paulo contributes to 0.8% high of the domestic industry - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency

Seven of the 15 surveyed places showed growth in industrial production in October, compared to September, according to the Monthly Survey of Industry - Regional Edition, released today (10) by the IBGE. The most significant advances registered were those of Goiás (4.0%), which had the fifth consecutive positive rate and a cumulative gain of 6.4% in this period, and Amazonas (2.3%), which eliminated the loss of 1%.6% recorded in September.

These places performed well above the national average of 0.8% compared to the previous month, but it was São Paulo, which concentrates 34% of the Brazilian industry, which leveraged the index up.

“Vehicle and food sectors, especially sugarcane production, were the main propellers of the 1.5% increase in the São Paulo production,” says IBGE researcher Mr. Bernardo Almeida.


The Increasing demand for meat may have also influenced some highs, Mr. Almeida said. In this regard, the recent successive positive results of Mato Grosso, one of the places where the slaughtering industry has its strongest share, deserve special mention, which, in four months, reached a cumulative gain of 8.7%.

On the other hand, Espírito Santo reported the highest decrease, 8.1%. "The state had been recovering, but from September to October, it fell again, offsetting the growth of 3.3% seen in the previous month," says Mr. Almeida.

Compared to October 2018, the industrial sector showed growth of 1%, also with seven locations indicating positive results. In this comparison, the retreat of Espírito Santo was even sharper, with a fall of 22.5%. Goiás (11.2%) and Paraná (9.4%) were the positive highlights.

The cumulative index in the year for January-October 2019, compared to the same period of the previous year, posted a reduction in the domestic production (-1.1%), which reached seven of the fifteen locations surveyed. Espírito Santo had the biggest drop, 14%.

Keywords: Indústria, Regional, São Paulo, Goiás, Amazonas, Veículos, Alimentos, Outubro, 2019.

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