Revista Retratos
The quality map
October 23, 2019 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 23, 2019 11h01 AM

Cassava from Cruzeiro do Sul, golden grass from Jalapão, wines from Pinto Bandeira, guarana from Maués, coffee from the Cerrado Mineiro, honey from Ortigueira. A festival of colors, tastes, textures and stories of products with name and surname, which comprise the Map of the IBGE´s Geographical Indications, produced in partnership with the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI.
The geographical indication can be just an Indication of Origin - IO or a Designation of Origin - DO. The IO refers to the name of the region of origin of the product or service – for instance, jabuticaba derivatives from Sabará in Minas Gerais. On the other hand, the DO refers to the specific characteristics of the product or service, thanks to natural and human factors of its geographical environment, like the banana from Corupá, whose sweetness is only possible thanks to the conditions of that region.
National products with a registration of Geographical Indication have a guarantee of origin and stand out due to their diversities and connections with the Brazilian culture. As a result of their differentiated characteristics, they develop the local economy and attract the attention from abroad.
Certification with precision
The registrations of Geographical Indication establish the precise borders of the producing area, including coordinates and reference points. It is here where the agreement between the IBGE and INPI, office in charge of the certification, works. Based on this information, the IBGE creates a database that will produce the map. Fifty-two IO registrations were available in Brazil in the first semester of this year. Only ten DO registrations were available. In the Map of Geographical Indications, it is possible to locate the products, the geographic borders of the region where they are produced and their respective identification stamps.
"People look in a different way just because they have an IO", tells Meire Ribeiro da Silva, of the Association of Producers of Jabuticaba Derivatives of the Municipality of Sabará, in Minas Gerais. The products authorized by the Indication of Origin are jabuticaba liqueur, jabuticaba preserve, jabuticaba sauce, crystallized jabuticaba peel and jabuticaba jam.

Good for producers, good for consumers
Cajuina is a very common beverage in Piauí, though susceptible to imitations and variations in the original recipe protected by an IO. Immortalized by Caetano Veloso´s song dedicated to poet Torquato Neto from Piauí, the "cajuína cristalina em Teresina" (crystal clear cajuina in Teresina) is made from pure clarified cashew juice, without sugar and preservatives.
José de Ribamar, 70, managing director of the Union of Producers of Cajuina of Piauí - Procajuína, tells that other states producing cashew call cajuina their beverages, though their recipes do not correspond to the real cajuina. "Some introduce alcohol or produce sparkling cajuina. Our cajuina is 100% cashew juice and has a special color, as it is very rich in vitamin C", explains him.

Check the full story in the Retratos Magazine no. 18
This was the last edition of the Retratos Magazine, which is not being published anymore, due to the measurements adopted by the IBGE to rationalize expenditures and reduce expenses.
Along its 18 editions from May 2017 to October 2019, Retratos published stories on current subjects, linked to the work of the IBGE in portraying the reality of Brazil for the exercise of citizenship.
Click here to see all the editions of the magazine.