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IBGE information stands out in Enem 2018

Section: IBGE | Pedro Renaux

November 05, 2018 04h45 PM | Last Updated: November 07, 2018 05h45 PM

The IBGE was used as the source for the composition test and for three questions of the 2018 National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), which gathered around 4.1 million students last weekend. For the composition, which had as its theme the "manipulation of users' behavior by data control on the Internet," the test brought as a motivation to the candidates information about Internet and television access and cell phone ownership, which was surveyed this year by the Continuous National Household Sample Survey.


Enem 2018 - Prova Amarela - Texto III da redação (reprodução)
Enem 2018 - Prova Amarela - Pergunta 21 (reprodução)
Enem 2018 - Prova Amarela - Pergunta 50 (reprodução)
Enem 2018 - Prova Amarela - Pergunta 73 (reprodução)

The institute was also mentioned in the sections on Language and Human Sciences on Enem. Item no. 21 (yellow test) mentioned the report “When routes become art”, published on Retratos, the IBGE magazine, about a Canadian artist that used GPS (Global Positioning System) to create its works. Also related to Geography, report no. 50 (yellow test) made a reference to the article “Vegetation and land use in the Brazilian central plateau”, published in the IBGE's Brazilian Magazine of Geography, which is freely available on our website, in the Virtual magazine.

The editor of Retratos, Marcelo Benedicto, recalls that several teachers had been using the magazine in class. He believes that the participation of the IBGE in Enem is a reason for pride, for it is in accordance with out institutional mission, of providing information about the knowledge of the Brazilian reality and the exercise of citizenship: "I treasure the test and its quality. Retratos being there is a sign that we are coming closer to that audience, that we have some adequate material and that we are on the right path". 

Item 73 (yellow test) presented a time series from 1996 to 2014 with the percent participation of wild crop harvesting and silviculture in the survey, obtained from the survey Forestry Activities, the latest version of which, 2017, was released in September this year. 

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