IBGE Schedule
IBGE Schedule lists more than 22 thousand events in 2024
December 11, 2024 03h53 PM | Last Updated: December 12, 2024 12h32 PM

One of the innovations implemented by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 2024 was the creation of the IBGE Schedule , an information channel intended to give visibility to the activities programed by departments of the Institute, expanding transparency and communication with the government and society.
Released on January 29 this year, the IBGE Schedule is available on the website of the Institute for public access. Since then, every Monday, at 9 am, the schedule for the following week is released with information on coming releases, internal and external meetings, actions and events to be streamed online.
The Coordination of Online Services and Experience (CDDI/CEON) is responsible for the infrastructure of the Schedule and its weekly release. The coordinator of CEON, Leandro Albertini, explains that “in a decentered and cooperative way, civil servants from each IBGE branch register, every week, hundreds of meetings and events in the IBGE intranet system. This methodology was adopted to facilitate engagement by the teams, considering that the use of this technological structure was part of the routine of these workers.”
Leandro Albertini explains that “the main challenge was to guarantee usability of this tool, so that it could serve the diversity of activities promoted by the IBGE in a widespread and organized way, but being detailed at the same time.” He added: “the information provided is automatically consolidated in a document with a light design and a simple structure so that the access of society to the IBGE activities will be even easier.”
With this initiative, the Institute establishes a communication channel with the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative Powers, authorities and public managers, besides giving access to society to the work of the IBGE in Brazil and abroad. It presents the IBGE as a major producer of information and knowledge.
The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, states that “now we are coming closer to the end of 2024, our calculations show the IBGE announced more than 22 thousand events carried out by its Superintendencies, Directorates and Presidency. A landmark that shows how positive the year 2024 has been due to the serious, consistent and responsible work of all our colleagues at the IBGE”.
Among the indicators presented is the total of 22,687 events listed in the IBGE Schedule between Jan 29 and Dec 15, with 17,814 reported by State Superintendencies and 4,783 by Directorates and the Presidency of the Institute, which means an average of 493 events per Schedule.
Click here to read the complete report of indicators about the IBGE Schedule.
Watch the video below where the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, speaks about the representativeness of the IBGE production throughout 2024.