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IBGE launches platform to gather information on color or race

Section: Social Statistics | Esther Gama, sob supervisão dos editores

November 14, 2024 02h00 PM | Last Updated: November 20, 2024 03h50 PM

Photo: Mockup on Freepik photo

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) releases today (14) the Color or Race Platform. Conceived to facilitate user's search, the Platform aims at gathering information released by the IBGE and that can be relevant for the understanding and study of implications of Color or Race characteristics in Brazil. 

The Platform consists of more than 30 variables and is organized into 9 thematic sessions. Besides an Introduction, it presents statistics relative to Population Distribution, Social inequality, education, Labor, Income and Expenditure, Poverty, Housing Conditions, Individual Micro-entrepreneurship and  Studies on Color or Race. Click here to visit the Color or Race Platform.

"Having information of Color or Race in one single place makes it more accessible for those who study the topic, who want to compare data from different surveys with the studies carried out by the IBGE. It will make access to information easier. We always speak about the mission of the IBGE, which is to 'portray the country with necessary information for the knowledge of reality and the exercise of citizenship', but how can people exercise their citizenship if they don't know how to find information?," remarked the Director of Surveys, Elizabeth Hypólito.

Marcia Quintslr, who is in charge of the platform organization, explained that it will not go through the entirety of issues, but highlight some results. “The Platform has links to help users delve into a give approach. The Platform is a display where results are available as graphs, tables or maps."

Aimed at researchers of the topic, students, public policy managers and the population as a whole, the Platform was developed by several specialists in each area, mainly social and economic ones, from different departments of the IBGE, who are members of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) and the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC). The Coordination of Online Services (CEON) of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI) built the platform. 

The intention is to consolidate in a single place all the information ever released by the IBGE by means of its different surveys, as an assortment of data on Color or Race. Most of the information is already available in official databases, so when every time they are updated, the results will appear on the panel. For example, data from SIDRA will be automatically updated on the Platform,” said Leandro Albertini, Coordinator of the Online Experience and Surveys (CEON).

The Platform is based on topics, and links the IBGE surveys or publications to highlighted information. "To make the search easier, the source of information is indicated, so users can find the documentation for that source and understand how the information was found. That is important because the color or race characteristics (black, white, brown, indigenous and Asian) are always the same in all the surveys, but each survey has specificities in data collection and publication, which are detailed in the documentation relative to each source,” Marcia Quintslr explained.

The Platform starts with a brief explanation and calls attention to the distribution of the population by color or race based on the 2022 Population Census, and presents graphs, pyramids and links that will lead to additional information from the Census. All the data in the platform refer to Brazil, but the links give access to distribution by different geographies. 

The topics that follow show data from surveys such as the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), the Census of Agriculture, of the publication Social inequalities by color or race in Brazil, among other sources. A suggested series of methodological studies by the IBGE and articles about the topic comes at the end. 

"We have a lot of information produced about this topic, and about other crossing topics, such as gender, but not all of that can be found in a single place. So we gather in the platform information on color or race, which resembles the format of the Covid 19 Platform, made available by the IBGE during the pandemic,” Elizabeth Hypólito added.

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