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IBGE and IPEA celebrate first year of joint integrity program

Section: IBGE

September 16, 2024 11h07 AM | Last Updated: September 19, 2024 07h59 PM

The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, and the president of IPEA, Luciana Servo, will participate, this Monday (16), in the Federal District, in an event commemorating the first year of the joint Integrity Program of the Institutes and the Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO).

Between September 16 and 18, in the afternoon, there will be roundtables, lectures and panels with experts on the topics of Integrity and authorities from institutions that have been advancing in the implementation, structuring and operationalization of the different aspects of the topic. The event will take place in the ground floor auditorium of the Ministry of Planning and Budget in Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco K, in Brasília (DF) and will be broadcast live online on the MPO's YouTube channel.

On Monday, at 3:30 pm, Marcio Pochmann will participate in the roundtable “The importance of partnerships and networks for strengthening institutional integrity”. Also participating will be the president of Ipea, Luciana Servo, the secretary of Public Integrity of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Izabela Correa, and the president of the MPO's Subcommittee on Risk Management, Transparency, Control and Integrity (SRTCI), Patricia Alvares.

Since 2019, the IBGE has been making efforts to structure elements related to Integrity issues within the institution. According to Willyam Gonçalves, head of IBGE's Integrity Management (GIN), “an important milestone in integrity management, with the aim of strengthening integrity processes and functions and enabling adequate coordination of its activities, was the creation of the Integrity Technical Group (GTI), involving IBGE bodies that work on the subject, such as the Ombudsman's Office, the Internal Affairs Office, the Ethics Committee and Internal Audit, so that everyone feels part of a single ecosystem and can effectively contribute to improving management”.

The Planned Integrity Program, which is celebrating its first year, has as its main objective to promote, based on evidence, an ethical organizational culture that reflects the prioritization of public interest over private interest, focused on delivering public value to society. Another important point highlighted by Willyam was that the third version of the IBGE Integrity Plan 2023-2025 was developed based on the objectives and in alignment with the Planned Integrity Program.


1st year of the Planned Integrity Program
Date: September 16-18, 2024
Time: 2:30 pm
Venue: ground floor auditorium of the Ministry of Planning and Budget at Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco K, in Brasília (DF)
Online broadcast:

The YouTube channel will be open to anyone interested in watching. However, anyone wishing to obtain a certificate of participation in the event must register in advance through the following link
The registration link will be available until the beginning of the event.
(Note: if you have any difficulty accessing, copy and paste the link address directly into your browser.)

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