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IBGE: conference debates today (Aug 1st), at 9 am, the "Digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era"

Section: IBGE

July 01, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 05, 2024 07h21 PM

Digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era

IBGE: conference debates today (Aug 1st), at 9 am, the "Digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era".

The National Conference of Data Producers and User - National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics and Data will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, at the Maracanã Campus of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), located at 524 Rua São Francisco Xavier - Maracanã.

The event will be streamlined by IBGE Digital

Registration (remote or physical):

9 am - Round table 1: Digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era


The objective is to debate the scenario of the Digital Era based on the change in the historical importance of communication, which in the Industrial Era had the role of intermediation and elaboration of narratives, giving rise to an international media complex, with Western vehicles producing and disseminating information.

In the Digital Era, Communication becomes an industrial product, present across all chains and sectors, forming companies that are larger than countries and impacting the sovereignty of nations, especially the population itself, which is not guaranteed the confidentiality of its personal information and commercial transactions. Companies that operate with privacy policies, that have their own "laws" and do not follow an International Digital Constitution.

Thus, Brazil, through the IBGE and technical partnerships, seeks to contribute to the sovereign debate on geosciences, statistics and data, and on the development of research about the Digital Era, structured in six axes: Communication Infrastructure; Production, dissemination and certification of information; Data sovereignty; Official data and copyright; Digital literacy; and Capture of privacy.


José Daniel Castro da Silva, General Coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI) and of the Social Communication Department (CCS) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statitics (IBGE)

Moderator: Juliano Mendonça Domingues da Silva, President of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies - Intercom and André Barbosa Filho, University of São Paulo - USP, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Inventor, Entrepreneur - Foundation (*)
• Edemilson Paraná, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology - LUT University (*)
• Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures (*)
• Nick Couldry, London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE (*)
• Marco Lucchesi, President of the Brazilian National Library Foundation (*)
• Pedro Saliba, Data Privacy Brasil
• Jamile Barreto - Deliberative Council and Board of Directors for Ethnic and Racial Equality of the Brazilian Press Association - ABI
• Jones Manoel da Silva - historian, writer, communicator and popular educator; doctoral student at PPGSS/UFAL
(*) Remote participation.


National Conference of Data Producers and Users - National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics and Data
Venue: Campus Maracanã of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), at 524 São Francisco Xavier Street - Maracanã.
Click here to see how to get to the venue:
Date: 29 de julho a 2 de agosto
Time: 8h às 17h
Registration: IBGE store -
Conference website:

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