ENCE's Course on Introduction to Data Science has its first graduates
July 12, 2024 05h03 PM | Last Updated: July 18, 2024 08h15 PM

Offered by the National School of Statistical Sciences of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (ENCE/IBGE), the Introduction to Data Science course graduated its first class on July 5, contributing to the training of professionals who seek to understand the fundamentals and the applicability of data science in the real world. Requiring a complete higher education level, the course, which started on May 21, was designed to offer a practical base, in a 45-hour workload, including synchronous remote activities, such as classes and debates, and asynchronous activities, as reading and research.
Of the total of 1,788 pre-registered applicants (reflecting the growing demand for knowledge in data science), 60 participants were selected. The criteria was order of registration and distribution by Major Region, by gender, and between internal and external audiences.
The responsible professors were Paulo Tostes and Veronica dos Santos, both from ENCE. Ian Nunes (IBGE), Ailton Furtado (IBGE), Bruno Erbisti (ENCE), Hesley Py (IBICT), Fernando Ferreira (Instituto Infnet) and Marcel Pedroso (Fiocruz).
“Organizing this course was, without a doubt, a great challenge. This is the first edition of the first course in our Data Science learning path, and we are very proud of the results”, comments Paulo Tostes. “In this class, in addition to the concepts, we also discussed and experienced the challenges and opportunities of applying data science to solve problems concerning the regional common good”, says Verônica dos Santos.
Students from the program highlighted the excellence of the teaching staff and the applicability of knowledge. “I intend to follow the learning path to apply knowledge in data science in my research. Congratulations to ENCE and to the course organizers”, says Daniel Trespach Porto, doctoral student at UFRGS and geographer. “Highly qualified teaching staff. The knowledge acquired will be very useful for carrying out activities at work”, says Ilueny dos Santos, Natal, auditor at the Rio Grande do Norte Court of Auditors.
“The collaboration between the instructors, guests and students was fundamental to achieving the proposed objectives, and we expect that many participants continue to follow the learning path in data science, applying the skills learned in their respective areas of activity”, concludes Paulo Tostes.
Learning paths
The Data Science, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence learning path (CDBDIA) is an ENCE/IBGE project that offers courses within this subect. The first was Introduction to Data Science, between May and July 2024. The next is Artificial Intelligence in Public Policies, to be taught in August and September. And a third course on Big Data and Public Statistics is scheduled for this year. Other courses and paths are being planed and will be launched soon. More information at https://ence.ibge.gov.br/index.php/trilhas/cdbdia.