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2022 Census

In São Luís (MA), IBGE will release data on localities, literacy and characteristics of housing units of Quilombola communities

Section: IBGE | Vinícius Britto

July 05, 2024 05h47 PM | Last Updated: July 09, 2024 10h37 PM

The IBGE will release new results of the 2022 Census on July 19, at 10 am, in São Luís (MA). The release “2022 Population Census – Quilombolas: Characteristics of housing units and literacy, by specific territories – Population results” will present information on literacy rates and sanitation conditions of housing units with at least one quilombola resident, in and out of official Quilombola TerritoriesThe release “2022 Population Census: Quilombola Localities” will present an unprecedented mapping of the existing quilombola localities in Brazil. The event will be held at Escola Municipal de Tempo Integral Negro Cosme (a full-time municipal school) in the neighborhood of Liberdade, em São Luís (MA).

The event will be streamed on the IBGE website ( and on the Institute’s social media channels. The results will be available for consultation at the IBGE website and platforms such as SIDRA, the Census Overview and the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI), sendo que nesses dois últimos poderão ser visualizados, também, por meio de mapas interativos.

With this publication, the IBGE expands the official portrait of this specific population group, and presents, on this occasion, new statistics about aspects related to literacy and characteristics of housing units, which are important attributes for the knowledge of the country and the exercise of citizenship.

The statistics presented herein encompass the following geographies: Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units, Municipalities, Legal Amazon by Federation Units, official Quilombola Territories and Quilombola Territories by Federation Units.

On the same date there will be the release of “2022 Population Census: Quilombola Localities”, which shows the unprecedented mapping of quilombola localities existing in the country, which was produced, at first, for the update of the Census Mapping and later updated according to the identification of spatial aggregates of self-declared quilombola persons.

Geospatial vector data representing the Quilombola Localities will allow the exploration of information for different geographies with the help of Geographic Information Systems.

Twelfth release of 2022 Population Census results

This is the twelfth national release of the 2022 Population Census. The first results were released on June 28, 2023, at Museu do Amanhã (Tomorrow’s Museum), in Rio de Janeiro, on the occasion when Brazil learned how many residents we are. A month later, at the headquarters of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), in Brasília, the first results on the quilombola population in the country were disclosed. On August 7, the Institute presented the first data on Indigenous peoples, at Teatro da Paz, in Belém. On October 27, with data released by os sex and age, , in an event held at the IBGE’s Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), in Rio de Janeiro.

The fifth release showed the “First results of the 2022 Population Census, by color o race of the population and housing units” em Salvador, no dia 22 de dezembro. Já em 2 de fevereiro de 2024, aconteceu a divulgação das "Coordenadas dos endereços" in Salvador, on December 22. On February 02, 2024, there was the release of "Address coordinates", on February 23, in Diadema (SP). On March 21, the Institute released the “Aggregated Results by preliminary Enumeration Areas – Population and Housing Units”, in Florianópolis (SC).

The ninth release, on May 3, brought results on “2022 Population Census: Quilombolas andIndigenous Populations, by sex and age, by specific geographies: Population results” in Paraty (RJ). Also in May, on the 17, the IBGE presented “2022 Population Census – Literacy: Population results” inSão Paulo (SP).

The latest release of results for the 2022 Census took place on June 14, with the release of the “National Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE)” based on the 2022 Census, in Fortaleza (CE).

Release “2022 Population Census – Quilombolas: Characteristics of housing units and literacy, by specific territories – Population results” and “2022 Population Census: Quilombola Communities”.

Date: Friday, July 19.

Time: 10 am.

Venue: Escola Municipal de Tempo Integral Negro Cosme - Tv. Visconde de Mauá, 315 - Liberdade - São Luís/MA.

Streamed online on: Digital IBGE , Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook

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