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IBGE Schedule

IBGE Schedule for June 24-30 now available

Section: IBGE

June 24, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 24, 2024 09h00 AM

IBGE lists the activities of the Institute for this week - Photo: Bel Corção/Brasil com S

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics released today (24), the IBGE Schedule for June 24 to 30. The document covers internal and external meetings, events and appointments of the different areas of the Institute, from the Presidency, through the IBGE Directorates and Advisories, its State Superintendencies, to the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

Since January, the IBGE has been making the Institute's weekly agenda available every Monday. Check out the complete list of IBGE's activities on the IBGE Schedule information channel.


On Monday (24), the Institutional Relations Department will visit the IBGE State Superintendence in Santa Catarina. The visit is expected to last all the entire day. Also on Monday, at 2 pm, representatives of the presidency will participate in a meeting with members of Petrobras. On Tuesday (25), at 9 am, there will be a video conference with the National Front of Mayors. And, at the same time, representatives of the presidency will participate in inauguration ceremony of the Advisory Council and Strategic Planning of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

On Wednesday (26), there will be the Global Dialogue of the International Conference on Population and Development CIPD30, about Technological Changes. The event is expected to last all day long. At 8 am, there will be an online meeting of the Department of Institutional Relations with the International Forum of the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD). At 10 am, there will be an extraordinary meeting of the National Commission for the ODS (CNODS).

On Thursday (27), representatives of the Presidency will travel, all day long, to visit the State Superintendence in Paraná. On the same day, all day long, representatives of the Presidency will join the Global dialogue of the International Conference on Population and Development CIPD30, about Technological Changes. At 9 am, there will be a videoconference with the Technical Committee for the Project Reference Centers in Africa. At 10:30 am, a meeting with the National Agency of Land Transport (ANTT).

On Friday (28), there will be an internal meeting for planning of the 12th Census of Agriculture with State Superintendencies of the IBGE.

Directorate and Advisories

On Monday (24), throughout the day, representatives of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC), will join a meeting with the State Superintendence of Rondônia (SES-RO), SEDAM and SEPLAN of the State of Rondônia. At 9 am, representatives of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI/CCS), will attend a meeting with GAB, COPEG and GGRAF, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). At 2:30 pm, a team from CDDI will participate in a meeting between the Department of Planning and Budget (CDDI/GPO) and supplier Prátika Serviços e Logística Ltda.

Also on Monday, all day long, at the National School of Statistical Sciences, there will be a work Mission with Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, in the cooperation project Capes-DAAD. At 8:30 pm, representatives of ENCE will attend an online course of Sampling and Analysis of Sample Data. At 10 am, a team from ENCE will have a meeting with the Executive Committee of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) , with presidents of the 7 associations that form the ISI.

On Tuesday (25), a team from the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will participate, all day long, in the 19th Meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA). During the entire day, representatives of DPE will have an internal meeting of the working group of Marine GDP, on the context of Fishing and Aquaculture. Throughout the entire day, a team from the Social Communication Coordination (CCS/CDDI) will cover the Federative Caravan of Pará. At 8 am, a team from the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) will participate in a seminar presentation at Lab Talks, of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. At 2 pm, there will be the seminar: “Demographic challenges and possible solutions" at the BRICS Seminar on Population Issues. At 2:30 pm, ENCE will attend a meeting with the research group on Statistical Literacy.

Also on Tuesday, a team from the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC), participates, the entire day, in a meeting with the Section of Bahia Census Mapping, for technical monitoring of the activities of update of the 2022 Population Census results. At 4 pm, representatives of DGC participate in a meeting about tribe operations, indigenous populations, first Nations: the experience of the US Census Bureau.

On Wednesday (26), at 9 am, representatives of ENCE will have a meeting with INEP. At 10 am, a team from the Executive Directorate (DE) will participate in an internal meeting of the Coordination Committee of License Process for Graduate Courses. At the same time, a team from ENCE will participate in a meeting with the Directing Committee of the National Network for Mental Health (RENASAM).

Also on Wednesday, during the entire day, representatives of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) will participate in a meeting with the Section Maranhão Census Mapping for technical monitoring of update activities of the 2022 Population Census. At 2 pm, a team from DGC participates in the Webinar of the Course Management by On Demand Activities. In the morning, a group from the Social Communication Coordination (CCS/CDDI) will cover the launch of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil at Casa IBGE Brasil.

On Thursday (27), at 10 am, at the Social Communication Coordination (CCS/CDDI), there will be a press conference about the Annual Survey of Industry: Enterprises and Product (2022). At 2 pm, a team from the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) will join the regular meeting of the APA Council of Ribeirões do Gama and Cabeça de Veado. At 4 pm, representatives of DGC participate in a meeting to plan the $th Brazilian Symposium of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SBIDE IV).

On Friday (28), at 10 am, at the Social Communication Coordination (CCS/CDDI) there will be a press conference about the Monthly National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), with a reference period in May 2024.

State Superitendencies

On Monday (24), at 10 am, representatives of the State Superintendence of Alagoas (SES/AL), will participate in a course on COP30 and the 2030 Agenda.

On Thursday (27), at 9 am, at the State Superintendence of Pernambuco (SES/PE), there is an even about the results of the Population Center 2022. At 2 pm, a team from the State Superintendence of Bahia (SES/BA), will participate in the online meeting for Elaboration of IBGE Data Use. On the same day and time, at the State Superintendence of Espírito Santo (SES/ES) there will be the State Meeting of Agricultural Statistics (REAGRO).

On Friday, at 9am, representatives of the State Superintendency if Alagoas (SES/AL), will participate in the Congress of Architects, in Peru.

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