Casa Brasil IBGE opens its doors to primary and secondary students
June 21, 2024 10h30 AM | Last Updated: June 25, 2024 03h01 PM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) opened its doors this Tuesday, 18th, for the first visits by students to Casa Brasil IBGE, located in the Palácio da Fazenda, downtown Rio de Janeiro (RJ). At first, 22 students and three teachers from Colégio Estadual Herbert de Souza visited the place that presents ancient equipment for producing maps and Census questionnaires, as well as specimens samples from places such as Reserva do Roncador, in Brasília (DF). During the first week, visitors from Sucursinho - Centro Espirita Justiça e Amor and FAETEC - Instituto de Educação also visited the space.
The group of high school third graders visited Espaço de Memória (Memory Area), which shows objects dating back to the first General Census conducted in Brazil, in 1872; the replica of an Municipal Statistical Office (currently called Branch) in the 1940's, among other elements. Then, there were group dynamics with the visitors: one of them aimed at their becoming familiar with the world map with Brazil in the center of the world, sized 10 x 6 meters, on which students had the chance to walk.
The students were divided into two groups for another group dynamics. A group played enumerators, another one, residents. The aim was to show the students how important it is to understand the relevance of the work of the Institute, its surveys and to clear people's doubts and combat fake information.
The coordinator of Customer Services (CDDI/COATI), Emerson Dias, reported that “society often thinks the IBGE produces the Census only, and, as they get here they have the possibility of knowing each part of th Institute, as the Biology section. That brings us close to the external public, people who know us only from television. Some visitors were so interested that they asked us how to work for the IBGE”.
Danielle Barreiros, manager of the Library, Information and Memory (CDDI/GEBIM) explained the future plans of the team. “They saw themselves as peole who might become IBGE civil servants and work with us. Our intention is to have IBGE workers to give lectures to students. In the case of younger ones, aged 6 to 10, the group dynamics will be adapted so that it gets easier for them to learn more abou the IBGE,” said the manager.

Casa Brasil IBGE is an innovative initiative that brings the IBGE even closer to society and that also fulfills the Institute's educational function. One can visit the place from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm, and visits can be scheduled according to information available on the website of Casa Brasil IBGE