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IBGE opens registration for DL courses for municipal and state managers and technicians

Section: IBGE | Da Redação

June 11, 2024 02h44 PM | Last Updated: June 12, 2024 07h14 PM

As an innovative initiative, the IBGE will make available, starting on July 1st, a series of distance learning courses directed to the external public with the aim of multiplying public statistical information to foster the debate on the problems, demands and priorities of Brazilian society.

The first course, “The role of IBGE and the importance of the Population Census”, will last 20 hours and is part of the Population Census Program for public management, produced in partnership with the Integrated Network Learning Center (CIAR), from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Registration will be open up to June 21st, on: Participants will have three weeks to complete the course and will receive a certificate upon completion if they achieve a score above 70%.

There will be 500 places available, preferably aimed at managers and technicians from municipal and state public administration (with 40 places reserved only for Rio Grande do Sul); civil servants from the IBGE capillary network; university professors, students and researchers; and members of social movements. If there are other interested parties exceeding the number of available places, a waiting list will be provided for new classes. The list of names of those registered will be published on June 26th, on this page.

The Program will also feature three other courses, all distance learning, lasting 30 hours: Concepts and uses of the Population Census for economic development; Concepts and uses of the Population Census for public policies; Concepts and uses of the Population Census for sustainable development.

Participants who complete the four courses with a good performance (above 70%) will be able to register for selection to the “Workshop on training multipliers: public policy design based on IBGE data”. The workshop will be synchronous and online and will last 32 hours.

In addition to these courses, others will be offered from the second semester onwards, with themes related to the areas of demography, statistics and geography.

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