IBGE celebrates 88th anniversary at Palácio da Fazenda and launches Casa Brasil IBGE
May 29, 2024 05h00 PM | Last Updated: June 05, 2024 01h19 PM

This Wednesday morning (29), the IBGE held an event to celebrate the Institute's 88th anniversary. With the presence of active and retired civil servants, authorities and guests, the event, which took place at the Palácio da Fazenda, in Rio de Janeiro, and was broadcast by IBGE Digital, also included the signing of agreements with various bodies and the launch of the Casa Brasil IBGE, a hall of memory and technology, bringing together the different areas of the Institute and its activities in the same place.

“This celebration could not be held in a more important place for the nation as this one. It was not a simple task to get here, it took a lot of work, dedication and commitment from everyone involved. We also have important authorities, who honor us with their presence, for which I would like to thank”, declared the president of the IBGE, Márcio Pochmann, in his opening speech.

In addition to the Institute's anniversary, May 29th is also the Geographer's Day and the Statistician's Day, which were mentioned by the Director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes, and the Director of Surveys, Elizabeth Hipólito.

“I'm here on IBGE's anniversary to also congratulate all the geographers of the Institute. Geographers with a degree, but also those, as I will call them, geographers by intention. This house is full of geographers, in addition to those with a degree, a team that strives to carry out the IBGE mission of portraying Brazil”, highlighted Ms. Lopes.
Elizabeth highlighted the importance of statisticians and statistics for the development of public policies. “Statistics interacts with many areas and all of them because they all have real problems that statistics help to solve. The statistician plans a survey, collects data and analyzes them, and gives an answer to society,” she said.
Ms. Lopes took the opportunity to call the artist Anna Bella Geiger, wife and representative of geographer Pedro Geiger, to the stage. She announced that the couple will donate the geographer's library to the IBGE collection. “The IBGE is Pedro’s life. Many times we were invited to go to other cities, and he said he would never leave the IBGE. So the least we can do for this library is to donate Pedro’s book collection, with very good volumes”, highlighted Ms. Geiger.

The director of Information Technology at IBGE, Marcos Mazoni, announced a project being prepared by the Institute using artificial intelligence. “To facilitate the use of our data, we are preparing a great competition in partnership with federal universities to create a robot in the IBGE environment so that people can use the tools with natural language”.

Ence's general coordinator, Paulo Januzzi, announced a course on the 2022 Census that will be available on June 10th. “After a team effort, we can announce a set of courses, starting with a training for managers and technicians. The courses will focus on the following themes: History of the Census, Census and local development, Census and public policies, Census and sustainable development projects,” he said.

The director of ASSIBGE, Nelson Thomé, highlighted the presence of the IBGE in efforts to assist Rio Grande do Sul in the midst of a public calamity, and called for the appreciation of the Institute's employees as well as the holding of more selective exams to hire effective staff for the IBGE, which has many temporary workers.

The special advisor to the presidency, Daléa Soares Antunes, and the ENCE researcher, Barbara Cobo Soares, announced the creation of the IBGE Thematic Commission on Gender. “The idea of this commission is to mainstream this topic across the Institute. Doing gender work is much more than collecting data about sex. We are institutionalizing a topic that has been limited to the Departament of Survey and Statistics for a long time. It is a committee that thinks in a cross-cut way about the topic in the IBGE. I would like to invite all people who are interested in working on this topic to contact us. Today, we have the possibility of bringing these people together and developing the theme here”, she highlighted.
The representative of Palácio da Fazenda, Ângela Carnaval, also present at the event, highlighted: "It is with great pleasure that we have gathered here to celebrate the 88th anniversary of IBGE. Today we will have the honor of seeing the inauguration of Casa Brasil IBGE, which will be a center for the dissemination of knowledge and culture for those who want to know more about the production of statistics and geographic data in the country."
The celebration also included the granting of trophies and commemorative medals to civil servants who completed 15, 40 and 50 years of service, as well as artistic presentations by the IBGE Choir, the NGO Meu Kantinho and Celso da Mangueira, a samba school's historic dancer, winner of the Golden Standard award at the 1992 carnival.
With the presence of authorities, IBGE signs cooperation agreements with other bodies
There was also a moment for signing cooperation agreements and term of intent with other bodies. The Executive Director, Flávia Vinhaes, the Special Advisor to the Presidency, Denis Maracci, as well as the President of the Institute, Márcio Pochmann, led this part of the event and called on the authorities to the signing.

“Today we will formalize agreements with Banco do Nordeste and Sudene, representing our effort towards regional integration; agreements with Serpro and Dataprev, which are fundamental in our journey towards building an integrated system of statistics, geography and data; a very important agreement with the TRT, which will help us strengthen our integrity and ethics committee, in addition to an agreement with Social Security, a very important partnership in view of the demographic challenges we are going through”, highlighted Executive Director Flávia Vinhaes.

Sudene superintendent, Danilo Cabral, celebrated the signing of the technical cooperation agreement between the entities. “This movement will allow us to look at the indicators in the Northeast based on the information provided by the IBGE to improve public policies in our area of activity”.

José Aldemir Freire, representing the President of Banco do Nordeste, Paulo Câmara, celebrated the signing of the protocol of intent with the IBGE. “It is a pleasure to sign this protocol of intent on behalf of Banco do Nordeste, which is also symbolic, given that the agreement with Sudene has just been signed. These are two fundamental bodies for the development of the region”, he pointed out.
The Director-President of Serpro, Alexandre Amorim, the Minister of the Upper Labor Court, Lelio Bentes Corrêa, and the Minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi, sent videos highlighting the IBGE's getting back together with its bodies and celebrating the agreements.

The Deputy Secretary for Institutional Articulation of the Ministry of Planning and Budget, Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira, represented Minister Simone Tebet and highlighted the importance of the work being done by the Institute.
"I would like to congratulate the IBGE board of directors for the awakening that is being carried out at the Institute. The constant dialogue with servants, the dialogue with other federal bodies and the state, the incessant search for new opportunities for IBGE. This is very important and revitalizes the Institute. It is something that had been lost in recent years and that is fortunately being recovered now”, he highlighted.
President Márcio Pochmann closed this stage of the celebration, highlighting the dialogues that the institution is carrying out. “It is also important that the IBGE is open to listening to civil society and dialogues with public institutions, as we understand that the IBGE is responsible for producing data par excellence and it is the Institute's goal to disseminate this information in the best way possible so that public policies in our country can be thought of in a more appropriate way”, he pointed out.
Mr. Pochmann ended his speech citing events and upcoming actions of the Institute. “Internal and external actions will be carried out so that the IBGE can resume its central role in the development of a more united, informed and sovereign Brazil in the construction of its present future. We, thus, reinforce the IBGE 90 Years project, of a collective body and ready to take its responsibilities, as a protagonist of its time, and aware of its importance as a key body for the development of Brazil. Long live the IBGE”, concluded the president.
Casa Brasil IBGE is inaugurated both physically, at the Palácio da Fazenda, and virtually
The celebration also included the inauguration of Casa Brasil IBGE, which can be visited in person at Palácio da Fazenda, from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm, or virtually, by clicking on the address https://www.ibge.gov.br/casabrasil/inicio-casa/.
Casa Brasil IBGE is a hall of memory and technology, bringing together in the same environment the different areas of the Institute and its activities, so that the visitor can visualize both the IBGE's history of almost 90 years, as well as the Institute's paths and perspectives for the coming decades.
Initially, with a physical version at Palácio da Fazenda, the aim is to reproduce in each State Superintendency a part of the Casa, which will show the external public the different actions of the Institute divided into nine macro areas: Library, Knowledge, Geosciences, Census, Surveys and Indicators, Digital, Memory, International and Regional.

“The 'Casa' is an invitation for us to get to know the IBGE outside the boxes, where it will be possible to find the Institute in nine areas, as the IBGE will soon turn 90 years old. Visitors can discover everything we have in the house themselves, through the totems, publications and other materials on display. This is a first exhibition, which will last 60 days, and is free of charge”, said the General Coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination, Daniel Castro.
The exhibition also shows IBGE's interfaces with the Brazilian state, its companies and entities, with universities, with citizens themselves, in addition to the Institute's connections abroad, in partnership for installation in Brazilian representations abroad.
The Casa Brasil IBGE at Palácio da Fazenda, in Rio de Janeiro, has exhibitions of historical equipment for producing maps and census questionnaires, samples of specimens from the Roncador Reserve, in the Federal District, and the IBGE Herbarium RADAMBRASIL, located in the Botanical Garden of the city of Salvador (BA).