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Construction prices change 0.41% in April and record the highest rate since September 2022

Section: Economic Statistics | Breno Siqueira

May 10, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 13, 2024 06h35 PM

Labor force participation registered a rate of 0.83% in April - Photo: Bruno Cecim/Agência Pará

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) changed 0.41% in April. The rate is 0.34 percentage points higher than the index recorded in March (0.07%). This is the highest rate observed since September 2022. As a result, Sinapi's cumultie rate over the last 12 months is 2.51%, above the 2.36% recorded in the previous 12 months. The index for April 2023 was 0.27%. The data was released today (10) by the IBGE.

“The share of materials showed a change of 0.11%, maintaining the level of recent months. A drop of 0.02 percentage points was observed in relation to March and 0.31 percentage points when compared to April 2023. The share of labor force, influenced by the capture of three collective bargaining agreements in the month, presented a change of 0. 83%, registering an increase both in relation to the previous month, March, and the same month of the previous year, being 0.85 percentage points above the rate registered in March 2024 and 0.78 percentage points above that registered in April 2023. ”, says Augusto Oliveira, manager of Sinapi.

The cumulative indices in 2024 were 0.55% in the share of materials and 1.21% in the share of labor force.

The national cost of construction, per square meter, which closed at R$1,729.25 in March, rose to R$1,736.37 in April, with R$1,007.30 relating to materials and R$729.07 to labor force.

Southeast Region has the highest increase and Minas Gerais stands out among the FUs

The Southeast Region recorded the highest monthly change in April, 0.65%, with increases in the four states of the Region. Next, are the Northeast (0.44%), North (0.18%), South (0.08%) and Central-West Regions (0.04%).

Minas Gerais was the state with the highest rate in April, 1.80%, with an increase in the professional categories, followed by Bahia and Amapá, with rates of 1.54% and 1.52%, respectively, under the same conditions.

More about Sinapi

Sinapi, a joint production of the IBGE and Caixa, aims at producing monthly series of costs and dies for the housing sector, and monthly series of median wages for labor force and median prices of materials, machinery and equipment and construction services for the basic sanitation, infrastructure and housing sectors.

Sinapi statistics are fundamental in investment planning, especially for the public sector. Prices and costs help in the preparation, analysis and evaluation of budgets, while indices make it possible to update expense values in contracts and budgets.

You can consult data from the National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction in  Sidra. The next release of Sinapi, for the month of May, will be on June 11th.


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