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Federative Caravan

IBGE starts giving assistance at the Federative Caravan in Amapá

Section: IBGE | Victor Vidigal

May 02, 2024 12h32 PM | Last Updated: May 02, 2024 05h35 PM

The IBGE, through the Superintendence of Amapá (SES/AP), is holding today (2/5) and tomorrow (3/5) the ninth edition of the Federative Caravan, at the Fazendinha Exhibition Park, in Macapá (AP). The event features services and assistance provided to public managers from the 16 municipalities of Amapá and the state government.

Represented by the SES/AP team, the IBGE is available at the Caravan to answer participants' questions about statistical and geoscientific production, to provide guidance on access to databases available on the IBGE portal, such as the IBGE System of Automatic Retrieval (SIDRA), and to provide information produced through the 2022 Census and other surveys and surveys.

SES/AP giving assistance at the Federative Caravan in Amapá

“We are here to show the importance of IBGE’s work so that people can see how the Institute serves the population, municipalities, public managers,” highlighted the IBGE Superintendent in Amapá, Haroldo Ferreira.

The technical advisor of the Macapá Municipal Guard, inspector Fernando Lourenço, visited the IBGE stand at the Federative Caravan to clear doubts about the access to IBGE's data and was pleased with the answers.

Municipal Guard of Macapá being assisted by the IBGE in the Federative Caravan of Amapá

Tour guide and French-language interpreter, Antônio Carlos Dias, who participates in the Caravan as a representative of the Federation of Afro Cults, says that he obtained more information about the geographical characteristics of Amapá at the IBGE stand.

“As we work with tourism, it is important to always tell the tourists who come here in our state of the geographic particularities, our natural attractions,” he said.

Tour guide Antônio Carlos Dias visiting the IBGE stand

In addition to getting to know IBGE's main information channels, anyone who visits the Institute's stand will receive a bag with a pad, a pen, a calendar map and survey and institutional folders, including: PAM (Municipal Agricultural Production) Newsletters, PPM (Municipal Livestock Production) Newsletters, Municipal GDP Information, PAS (Annual Services Survey) Information, IBGE Educa Information, Quilombolas Folder, Indigenous Folder, Regic Folder (Areas of Influence of Cities), and also the We are more than 200 million Folder.

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