2022 Census
IBGE: Eighth release of Census results will take place in Florianópolis (SC) next week
March 15, 2024 03h30 PM | Last Updated: March 18, 2024 05h04 PM

The IBGE will release, on March 21, at 10 am, at the Auditorium of the Association of Municipalities in the Great Florianópolis Area (GRANFPOLIS), in Florianópolis (SC), the result for the 2022 Census: Results Aggregated by Preliminary Enumeration Areas, and present total figures for the resident population and housing units in the country. Another release scheduled for the same date is 2022 Population Census: Mesh of Preliminary Enumeration Areas, which presents digital files of the enumeration areas in the Brazilian territory.
This is the eight national release of Census results, carried out together with a technical workshop on Census tools and the second edition of “External Dialogues”, within the IBGE 90 Dialogues Project. The actions have as partners the GRANFPOLIS, the Federation of Municipalities in Santa Catarina (FECAM), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the Intermunicipal Regulatory Agency for Sanitation (ARIS). The event will be broadcast online on the IBGE website (ibge.gov.br), and on the Institute’s social media channels:Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok.
Representatives of the IBGE in the event in Florianópolis will be the president Marcio Pochmann, the director of Surveys, Elizabeth Hypólito, the director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista, the director of Information Technology, Marcos Mazoni, besides the do IBGE state superintendent in Santa Catarina, Roberto Kern Gomes, the head of the IBGE branch in Florianópolis, Victor Calejon Santos, and state and local authorities. The results will be presented by the Census technical manager, Gustavo Junger, and by the researchers Raphael Soares de Moraes and Fernando Damasco.
Enumeration areas are data collection territorial units for the Population Census. With this preliminary release, the results will be available for different levels of geography – Districts and Subdistricts – and allow exploration with spatial level of detail. In coming months, the IBGE will proceed with the processing of data and improvement of the mesh of Enumeration Areas in order to release final aggregated results by Enumeration Areas.
The results can be accessed on the IBGE website and on the Census Overview platform, and visualized by means of interactive maps, being possible to search information by specific location, or by districts, subdistricts or enumeration areas of a given municipality.
Technical Workshop with Managers and Users
On Wednesday, 20, the day before the release of Census data, there will be a workshop entitled A territory of information: Potentialities of the 2022 Census Data, aimed at public managers, scholars, and users of IBGE data, with the objective of presenting, besides technical and operational aspects of the survey, potentialities for decision making by local managers.
The workshop will be held from 2 pm to 6 pm at the auditorium of the Intermunicipal Regulatory Agency for Sanitation – ARIS, Affiliated Entity to the Federation of Consortiums, Associations of Municipalities and Municipalities (FECAM).
In the workshop, IBGE technicians will teach participants about the 2022 Census and its tools for analysis, applications, and forms of access to data. The technicians Gustavo Junger and Raphael Soares will present the module “What is the Census?; Figures of the Census operation; Topics surveyed; 2022 Census Innovations; and Bruno Mandelli Perez will present 'Potentialities of data for local managers'.
As for digital tools, Raphael Soares will be in charge of the training on the 2022 Census Overview platform; Bruno Mandelli Perez, on that about the IBGE Automatic Retrieval System (Sidra), Juliane Christine Silveira, will be responsible for the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI), and Therence de Sarti (CMA/DGC), for the Environmental Information Database (CMA/DGC). At the end of the presentations, Gustavo Junger will show the topics already released and the perspectives for coming releases.
External Dialogues at the Federal University of Santa Catarina
Launched in August 2023, the Project "IBGE 90 Dialogues" has the objective of celebrating the almost nine decades of existence of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), besides thinking of guidelines for a new IBGE. In 2024, the presidency of the Institute will proceed with the project, with a focus on the participation of society, together with the public sphere (Brazil, states, and municipalities), legislators, professional entities and collective representatives, students, among others.
On the 20, at 7 pm, the Federal University of Santa Catarina will host the second edition of the Project “External IBGE 90 Dialogues” at the auditorium of the Council Room, “Professor Ayrton Roberto de Oliveira”, rectory building, ground floor, UFSC, Trindade, Florianópolis – SC. The event will be broadcast online on the IBGE website (www.ibge.gov.br) and on the Institute’s Youtube channel.
The objective is to bring together external actors that can help the IBGE fulfill its mission. That is only possible by means of interchange and integration, for a Population Census can only be successfully completed when there is collective effort and the adoption of internationally acknowledged methodologies.
This will be the second edition of the “External IBGE 90 Dialogues”. The first one was held in Tocantins during the release of 2022 Census results, in February. The External Dialogues will be conducted in the 27 capitals in Brazil, and are organized together with the IBGE superintendencies, in partnership with the local government, support from society actors that cooperate with the IBGE in terms of indicators, but also in the events and actions promoted by the Institute in each state.
IBGE 90 Dialogues
At first carried out by servants, collaborators, retired persons, and union members, the IBGE 90 Dialogues counted, in its first step, on the contributions from more than 10 thousand participants in the thematic groups and subgroup, who had taken part in 50 face-to-face and online meetings. That led to the elaboration of the IBGE directives, which are the summary of hundreds of proposals at first detailed in more than two thousand pages. All this material was produced on November 16 and 17, in Parada de Lucas, in Rio de Janeiro.
See below the complete list of actions for the release of the 2022 Census results in Florianópolis:
Event 1: Technical Workshop with Managers and Users
Date and time: March 20, Wednesday, from 2 pm to 6 pm
Local: Auditorium of the Intermunicipal Regulatory Agency for Sanitation – ARIS, Affiliated Entity to the Federation of Consortiums, Associations of Municipalities and Municipalities (FECAM) – Santa Catarina Association - 1885, Gen. Liberato Bittencourt St – 12th Floor - Canto, Florianópolis - SC, 88070-800.
Official Schedule: click here.
Event 2: IBGE 90 External Dialogues
Date and time: March 20, Wednesday, from 7 pm to 9 pm
Local: Auditorium of the Council Room, “Professor Ayrton Roberto de Oliveira”, Rectory Building, ground floor. UFSC – Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC - Trindade, Florianópolis – SC.
Event 3: 2022 Population Census: Results Aggregated by Preliminary Enumeration Areas: Population and Housing Units and Mesh of Preliminary Census Areas
Date and time: March 21, Thursday, from 10 am to 12 pm
Venue: Auditorium of GRANFPOLIS – Association of the Municipalities in the Great Florianópolis Area – 250, Cândido Ramos St - Capoeiras, Florianópolis - SC, 88090-800
The dissemination activities of the 2022 Population Census are under the responsibility of the IBGE Superintendence in Santa Catarina. For further information and confirmations, send an e-mail to gabinete.sc@ibge.gov.br