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IBGE inaugurates first interactive totem in partnership with Brazilian Post Office

Section: IBGE | Wualisson Chaves

February 05, 2024 03h30 PM | Last Updated: February 06, 2024 11h32 AM

Started on February 1st in Palmas, the IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition ended in Ponte Alta do Tocantins with an unprecedented partnership between the IBGE and the Brazilian Post Office: the inauguration of an interactive totem in this municipality branch. The goal of the project is to streamline the access of the population to the IBGE´s geographic and statistical information.

Paulo Ricardo Amaral, the IBGE Superintendent in Tocantins, celebrated the purpose of the Post Office device. “Beyond looking for information, the public might handle the data within our platforms. Knowledge should reach Ponte Alta do Tocantins people to foster the construction of citizenship,” said him.

First people interacting with the totem - Picture: Wualisson Chaves
Officers from several offices present in the inauguration of the first interactive totem - Picture: Wualisson Chaves
Maria do Carmo Lara Perpétuo and Marcio Pochmann talk about the partnership between the Brazilian Post Office and the IBGE - Picture: Wualisson Chaves
Authorities pose for picture beside the totem - Picture: Wualisson Chaves

Marcio Pochmann, President of the IBGE, reinforced the integration among those who look for mailing services and manage to access the totem. “There are more than 1 billion and half data available in our systems. People coming to the branch might explore the possibilities while waiting for a service to be completed, or even come here just for researching,” highlighted him.

As the largest logistics enterprise in the Latin America, with 361 years of history, the Brazilian Post Office signs this new partnership with the IBGE. Maria do Carmo Lara Perpétuo, the Post Office´s Director of Economy, Finance, Technology and Information Security, praised the cooperation between the institutions that she called “citizenship giants.” “Besides being the first totem inaugurated, we are happy that it was in a municipality in the interior of Tocantins. We are two reliable offices that directly work with the Brazilian citizens in every corner of the country,” reinforced her.

In addition to Post Office and IBGE officers, Edmundo Rodrigues Costa, INCRA´s Superintendent in Tocantins, Edy César dos Passos Júnior, Superintendent of the Secretariat of Urban Planning, Kleber Rodrigues do Sousa, Mayor of Ponte Alta do Tocantins, and Juliana Gastaldi Lopes Fernandes, Vice-Mayor, were present as well.

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