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2022 Census

For the first time ever, IBGE releases geographic coordinates of addresses in Brazil

| Umberlândia Cabral | Design: Jessica Cândido

February 02, 2024 10h00 AM | Last Updated: February 05, 2024 03h37 PM

  • Highlights

  • For the first time ever, the IBGE releases the geographic coordinates of all types of addresses in Brazil, collected during the 2022 Census and detailed by municipality.
  • As of today, these data area available to the three spheres of government, as well as to companies, NGOs and academic institutions. With these coordinates, governmental offices can precisely account for housing units exposed to the risk of floods and landslides, whereas companies, for example, can refine their commercial strategies.
  • The 2022 Census registered 111.1 million coordinates, which locate several types (purposes of use) of addresses, of which 81.5% (or 90.6 million) are private housing units and 0.1% (or 104.5 thousand) are collective housing units.
  • The 2022 Census also registered the coordinates of 11.7 million (or 10.5% of the total number of addresses) of establishments for other purposes (stores, banks, public buildings and shopping malls, among others), as well as of 264.4 thousand education establishments, 247.5 thousand health establishments, 579.8 thousand religious establishments and 3.5 million buildings under construction or refurbishment.
  • The addresses visited are part of the National Address File for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), used by the IBGE in household surveys like POF and Continuous PNAD.
Enumerators collected geographic coordinates during the field work - Picture: Helena Pontes / IBGE News Agency

The IBGE released today (2) the geographic coordinates of the addresses in the 2022 Census. This is the first time that the IBGE captures these data for all the households in Brazil. In the 2017 Census of Agriculture, the IBGE had already captured the addresses in the rural area, related to agricultural establishments. During the census operation in 2022, these coordinates allowed to follow up the work of the enumerators, as well as to follow up the evolution of the data collection.

The result of this work will integrate the National Address File for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), the address base used by the IBGE not only in the Population Census, but also in other household surveys, like the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF) and National Survey of Demography and Health (PNDS).

As of today, the microdata are available for the society to apply them in a number of cases, like the localization of addresses in areas of risk of flood, landslides and scorched earth. Another possible use is to locate addresses in planning zones of the public administration, in conservation units and in areas of operation of a given enterprise.

The address coordinates can be used coupled with other databases, like risk areas pinpointed by the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM). “By using spatial filters, we manage to know how many private housing units are inside susceptible or impact areas, as well as other establishments, like health establishments and those under construction,” explains Eduardo Baptista, IBGE´s Manager of the Address File.

The geographic coordinates can be queried by type of address. “We have the latitude, longitude and type code, i.e., the purpose of the address. Therefore, users will know whether that point is either a private or collective housing unit, whether it is an agricultural, health or education establishment,” details Baptista. The geographic coordinates can be viewed in the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI) and in the overview of the 2022 Census.

In the 2022 Census, 111.1 million geographic coordinates were registered for the address types identified in the census operation. Of this total, 109.9 million were validated after the data collection, which represents 98.9% of those coming from the original Census address file.

The manager explains that each geographic coordinate refers to an address type. “Each address has a coordinate. If the same place houses two address types, like a private housing unit and an agricultural establishment, then this same address will have two pairs of coordinates, with two different records in the file.”

Of the total addresses collected in the Census, 81.5% (or 90.6 million) were private housing units and 104.5 thousand (or 0.1%) were collective housing units. It is also possible to notice the types of establishments in Brazil: most of them fit in other purposes, with 11.7 million (or 10.5% of the total). For example, stores are in this group. On the other hand, education establishments were 264.4 thousand, health establishments, 247.5 thousand and religious establishments, 579.8 thousand. On their turn, buildings under construction were 3.5 million. The distribution of these address types among the Federation Units can be seen in the following table:

Total coordinates, according to address type - Brazil and Federation Units

FU Private housing unit Collective housing unit Agricultural establishment Education establishment Health establishment Other-purpose establishment Building under construction Religious establishment
RO 729244 866 98569 1893 1927 95697 29504 7670
AC 318942 379 31744 1881 769 40745 11464 4600
AM 1305348 2058 61722 7052 2738 194050 66868 19134
RR 211576 389 7101 1055 839 28134 9271 2150
PA 3053493 5423 201850 14150 6406 439526 152564 37758
AP 251566 516 5178 1112 796 37629 12681 3187
TO 654815 1166 62054 2351 1865 89668 31367 5151
MA 2588500 2542 95390 14444 6280 399659 125654 25374
PI 1418970 1474 176837 7410 4521 214266 57836 10107
CE 3822632 3373 162923 13850 8388 565846 149074 24556
RN 1500298 1567 43769 5010 3885 226756 54895 8823
PB 1804181 1150 102304 7605 5914 221743 72453 13536
PE 4092295 2884 206911 13373 9477 577168 193443 24931
AL 1321222 1042 48996 4923 3284 183224 55138 8736
SE 1006925 556 68702 3095 2199 127571 43213 6494
BA 6868847 7744 573839 28315 16347 1032896 466369 52939
MG 9561961 13864 615688 24184 32966 1292653 437593 59281
ES 1794597 2143 88061 4561 4672 228608 83012 15694
RJ 7709779 5684 47634 16499 15402 835701 276279 55222
SP 19623160 18316 199473 40746 56993 2325890 605209 83938
PR 5024225 4839 276214 12397 16498 609960 152740 25152
SC 3470459 4702 171363 8400 10447 406377 93210 16181
RS 5321610 6922 347724 13695 16467 611965 112064 26300
MS 1206036 3109 76139 2648 3709 165107 42915 8156
MT 1559872 6462 121381 4284 4570 216282 62134 10329
GO 3207511 4659 162304 7337 7872 438703 113581 18970
DF 1172001 688 4515 2175 2279 100889 30911 5429
Brazil 90600065 104517 4058385 264445 247510 11706713 3541442 579798

Digital data collection in the Census allows capturing geographic coordinates

The geographic coordinates of the addresses were collected by more than 180 thousand enumerators, who worked in the 2022 Population Census, using their data collection mobile devices (DMCs). “These coordinates were collected during the confirmation or inclusion of addresses in the IBGE file. During their path along the enumeration areas, enumerators found the addresses on a list previously loaded in the DMCs. They confirmed those already existing and that were on the list and included those that were not. After the inclusion or confirmation of an address, the DMC application registered the geographic coordinate of that unit visited,” says Baptista.

He also tells how the collection of latitudes and longitudes in the field was used to supervise the work of the enumerators. “During the interview, whenever the questionnaire was opened, the application automatically collected some geographic coordinates in specific time lapses, so as the supervisors might check whether that interview was carried out in the proper place,” completes the manager.

In the CNEFE releases, the data are related only to the addresses, respecting the statistical confidentiality. “The IBGE Confidentiality Committee understood that the address data are not confidential. In this product, we are only releasing the coordinates with the FU and municipality codes, the maximum geographic division ever released by the IBGE,” says him. In the next release of CNEFE, scheduled for this year, other data will be included, such as the complete address with street name, number, complementation, locality and CEP.

More about the survey

The Population Census is the most complete statistical operation carried out in Brazil, covering all the households of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities and collecting the geographic coordinates of the address types visited by the enumerators. The data can be viewed in the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI) and in the overview of the 2022 Census.

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