2022 Census
IBGE will release new data from the 2022 Population Census: address coordinates in Tocantins on February 2nd
January 03, 2024 09h47 AM | Last Updated: January 05, 2024 10h05 PM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release data from the 2022 Population Census: address coordinates in the state of Tocantins, on February 2nd.
In the 2022 Population Census, for the first time, the IBGE collected coordinates from urban centers. Having georeferenced information at the most detailed level makes it possible to aggregate data for several geographic segments, a benefit for statistical production.
The data collection meets a recommendation from the UN Statistical Division, which establishes, in specific documentation, how geographic and statistical information should be associated. One of the recommendations is georeferencing at the most detailed level possible, including the address coordinate, in order to allow several statistical uses.
“We are going to introduce one more valuable product from the 2022 Population Census. It will allow managers, from public and private sectors in municipal, state and federal spheres, to formulate policies and create actions based on precise and updated statistical information, in order to improve the lives of Brazilians,” said Cimar Azeredo, director if surveys.
According to the IBGE’s superintendent in Tocantins, Paulo Ricardo Amaral, this release of address coordinates is “an opportunity to show our work and consolidate several partnerships. We are all full of pride and a feeling of accomplishment, for this is a census built by many hands. The superintendency of IBGE in Tocantins and the local community are very honored to host this event”.
The venue and time of the event will be available soon.