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IBGE will be present at the Federative Caravan in Porto Alegre (RS)

Section: IBGE

October 17, 2023 03h17 PM | Last Updated: October 18, 2023 12h24 PM

The IBGE will participate, on October 19th and 20th, in the Federative Caravan, at the FIERGS Events Center, of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre (RS). With lectures and workshops presented by representatives of several public bodies, the event aims at fostering interaction and institutional coordination between federal, state and municipal governments, in order to promote cooperative actions among federated entities, as well as to establish a permanent channel for proximity and information.

The State Superintendency of Rio Grande do Sul (SES/RS) will represent the IBGE at the event, together with members of the Board and other technicians. The IBGE stand will provide services of interest to mayors, advisors and municipal secretaries. They will be able to clear their doubts with technicians from the Institute who will assist the public by showing the institutional website and how to use some channels, how to enter data for a given municipality on the city hall website.

The public will also be able to ask questions about the surveys carried out by the IBGE. In addition to being able to learn about the Institute's main information channels, municipal authorities, partners and the public who visit the stand will receive informative materials about the IBGE and its surveys and services.

This will be the third edition of the Federative Caravan and the second one with the participation of the IBGE. The previous events took place in Salvador (BA) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

In 2023, Caravans are expected to be held in Manaus (AM), Palmas (TO), Fortaleza (CE) and Goiânia (GO) and the IBGE will be present in all of them.


When: Ocotber 19 (from 9:30 am to 6 pm) and 20 (from 9:30 am to 1 pm)

Where: FIERGS (8787, Assis Brasil Avenue)

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