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PIM Regional

In August, industry advances in nine of the 15 places surveyed

Section: Economic Statistics | Umberlândia Cabral

October 10, 2023 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 11, 2023 04h39 PM

Alta no setor de produtos químicos influenciou crescimento da indústria paulista (3,0%) em agosto - Foto: Freepik

With the positive change of 0.4% in national industry in August, in the seasonally adjusted series, nine of the 15 places surveyed by the IBGE in this indicator showed positive rates. The biggest advances were in Amazonas (11.5%), Espírito Santo (5.2%) and Rio Grande do Sul (4.3%). Paraná (3.5%), São Paulo (3.0%), Rio de Janeiro (1.7%), Goiás (1.0%), Mato Grosso (0.6%) and Santa Catarina (0.5 %) close the set of places with positive indices in August 2023. The sharpest falls were in Pará (-9.0%), Bahia (-4.1%) and Ceará (-3.8%), followed by Pernambuco (-1.7%), Northeast Region (-1.4%) and Minas Gerais (-0.7%).

São Paulo (3.0%), a state that accounts for around 33% of the country's industrial production, also advanced in August and exerted the greatest positive influence on the national result. “This increase comes after two consecutive months of decline, a period in which the São Paulo industry accumulated a loss of 3.3%. The increase is due to the influence of the sectors of chemicals, food and motor vehicle. In the previous month, the motor vehicle sector showed a contraction and the growth in August represents a compensatory movement”, explains survey analyst Bernardo Almeida.

With the significant growth in August, the highest since December 2021 (13.4%), industrial production in Amazonas recovered part of the loss of 13.7% accumulated in the previous two months. The state was the second one that most impacted the national index. “Amazonas tops the list of states with the greatest absolute change from July to August. The sectors that stood out the most were computer equipment, electronic and optical products and other transportation equipment, which are very active within the Amazonian industry”, he points out.

Espírito Santo (5.2%) returned to growth after falling 1.7% in July. “The biggest influence of this advance was the positive results of the mining and quarrying sector, which also had an impact on the decline in the previous month. As the Espírito Santo industry is not very diversified, this sector has great importance in the state's industrial formation”, highlights the analyst.

In Rio Grande do Sul (4.3%), the increase in August interrupted a sequence of three months of reduction, with a cumulative drop of 1.6% in the period. “In the industry in Rio Grande do Sul, growth is due to the sectors of motor vehicle and petroleum derivatives. As occurred in São Paulo, the vehicle segment shows a compensatory movement, as there was a drop in the previous month. It’s a strategic movement within the activity itself to balance supply and demand,” he says.

Industrial production in the following states also grew compared to July: Paraná (3.5%), Rio de Janeiro (1.7%), Goiás (1.0%), Mato Grosso (0.6%) and Santa Catarina (0.5%).

Among the declines, the biggest highlights in August were Pará (-9.0%), which fell for the third consecutive month, and Bahia (-4.1%), for the second month. “Pará had the main negative impact on the results of the national industry, with the mining and quarrying and non-metallic mineral sectors as the biggest influences. The state's industry is also not very diversified and when there is greater change in the mining and quarrying sector, there is a significant change in the industrial sector of Pará as a whole”, analyzes Mr. Alemeida.

In relation to Bahia, the analyst highlights that the biggest influences came from mining and quarrying and petroleum derivatives sectors. The other places that also fell compared to July were Ceará (-3.8%), Pernambuco (-1.7%), Northeast Region (-1.4%) and Minas Gerais (-0.7%).

Industry advances in 11 of 18 places compared to August last year

The industry advanced 0.5% compared to August last year, with growth in 11 of the 18 locations surveyed. Two states had double-digit gains in this comparison: Rio Grande do Norte (49.8%) and Espírito Santo (26.3%). The Potiguar industry was boosted by the good results of the sector of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel fuel, fuel oils and aviation kerosene), while Espírito Santo had the impact of mining and quarrying industries (crude petroleum oils, pelletized or sintered iron ores and natural gas).

The other places that remained positive compared to the same period last year were Mato Grosso (8.5%), Goiás (5.6%), Rio de Janeiro (3.9%), Pernambuco (2.7 %), Amazonas (2.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (0.9%), São Paulo (0.9%), Minas Gerais (0.7%) and Santa Catarina (0.2%).

The drops in industrial production in Ceará (-13.1%) and Pará (-8.7%) were the most intense among the places studied in the survey. In the first case, the influence came from the sectors of chemical products, apparel and accessories, food products, leather, travel articles and footwear and electrical machines, appliances and materials. Pará's industry, in turn, suffered the impact of mining and quarrying industries.

Bahia (-7.6%), Northeast Region (-6.1%), Mato Grosso do Sul (-1.1%), Paraná (-0.9%) and Maranhão (-0.1%) also registered negative results.

In the cumulative index in the year, compared to the same period of the previous year, the industry changed -0.3%, with negative results in nine of the 18 places surveyed in the indicator. The most intense falls were recorded by Ceará (-7.0%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-5.0%).

When analyzing the annualized rate, that is, the cumulative rate over the last 12 months, the national industrial production was also negative: -0.1%. Nine of the 15 locations investigated in this indicator changed negatively and nine indicated less dynamism compared to the previous month's indices. The main losses came from Mato Grosso (from 6.3% to 4.9%), the Northeast Region (from -4.9% to -6.0%), Ceará (from -6.5% to -7 .4%), Bahia (from -4.4% to –5.3%), Amazonas (from 5.7% to 4.9%) and Pernambuco (from -5.0% to -5. 6%).

More about the survey

PIM Regional has been producing, since the 1970s, short-term indicators relating to the behavior of the real product of mining and quarrying industries and manufacturing industries. It brings, monthly, indices for 17 Federation Units whose participation is at least 0.5% in the total value of national industrial transformation and also for the Northeast as a whole: Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Ceará, Rio Grande of the North, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás and the Northeast Region. The survey results can also be consulted on Sidra, the IBGE database. The next release of the Regional PIM will be on November 8th.

Keywords: Produção industrial avança em nove de 15 locais pesquisados em agosto frente a julho

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