2022 Census
IBGE releases list of winners of the 2022 Population Census Photo Award
September 01, 2023 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 04, 2023 08h02 PM
The IBGE released, on September 1st, the final result of the 2022 Population Census Photo Award. The contest was divided into three categories: urban landscapes, rural landscapes and housing. And it also considered public voting, via Internet. The three best votes photos in each category will receive prizes of R$ 5 thousand, R$ 3 thousand and R$ 1 thousand respectively. For seven months, about 6,400 enumerators sent more than 17 thousand pictures produced during data collection all over the country. The pictures were taken with the Mobile Data Collection Device (DMC), the equipment used by enumerators.
Matheus Ferreira Carvalho was the winner in the category Urban Landscapes, with the photo “Child playing on O. Jaderlandia Lane”, in the municipality of Ananindeua, state of Pará. In second place was Amaral Ortiz Souto, from Rio de Janeiro, and the photo “Fusca Quiririm”. Bruno Vieira Nascimento Cerveira, an enumerator from São Paulo, and his photo “A Stairway to Heaven” complete the winner’s podium.
Urban Landscapes

The first prize of the category Rural Landscapes went to Francielly Fernandes Ribeiro and her photo “Valeria Canavieiras Farm in Bahia - Cacao Plantation”. Lucimara Arrigoni, from Paraná, won the 2nd prize with the picture “Yellow ipe tree on Itaguaje Road”. The photo “Sssnake”, by Yuri Hunas Miranda, an enumerator from Minas Gerais, won the 3rd prize.
Rural Landscapes

The winner of the category Housing was Micaele Dias Santos, who took the photo “Little House in the Batata Village”, in Sergipe. Jaqueline Raissa Lopes Vieira was in second place with the photo “Rural permanent private housing unit in Teresina, Piaui”. The third prize of this category went to “The Conquest”, by Aline Romaniv, from Santa Catarina.

“The idea of having a photo award was born during the 2017 Census of Agriculture”. That was a positive experience and then we repeated it in the Population Census. Our objective is to record the different types of landscapes in Brazil, from the perspective of people doing field work. As a result, we can enrich the IBGE’s photo colection as well. Mission accomplished,” Izabelle de Oliveira, IBGE’s Marketing Coordinator states. This was the first edition of a Photo Award during the Population Census. The period for photo taking started with data collection, on August 1st 2022, and ended on February 28 this year. After the pre-selection phase, when servants from the IBGE had the chance of voting for their favorite photos sent by enumerators from each state, 164 images were classified to be in the final phase, which was open for public voting. The 17 thousand plus photographs will now become part of the IBGE’s image database, and will be available fro free search and download at the IBGE Library.