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IBGE provides training for MUNIC and ESTADIC 2023

Section: IBGE | Igor Ferreira

August 21, 2023 05h30 PM | Last Updated: August 21, 2023 11h54 PM

Representatives of IBGE’s state superintendencies gathered in training for surveys MUNIC and ESTADIC - Photo: Adriana Saraiva/ IBGE News Agency

Between August 14-18, representatives of IBGE’s state superintendencies gathered at the headquarters of the Institute, in Rio de Janeiro, for a training program in preparation for MUNIC and ESTADIC 2023. Data for these surveys are collected on an annual basis, except for the years of the Population Census. MUNIC and ESTADIC are expected to take place between August 2023 and January 2024 and their results must be released in September 2024.

“After the conclusion of the 2022 Population Census, we will focus on equally important surveys, such as MUNIC and ESTADIC,” says Maria Lúcia Pontes, associate director of Surveys at the IBGE.

The Survey of Basic Municipal Information (MUNIC) and State Municipal Information (ESTADIC) present data on municipal and state public institutions. That is a data survey related to the structure, dynamics and the activities of municipal and state public agencies, mainly municipal administration in MUNIC, and the state government in ESTADIC. MUNIC has been conducted since 1999, whereas ESTADIC had its first edition in 2012.

“A rotation of the topic surveyed takes place, so that at the end of a four-year term a number of topics will have been covered, for example, housing, transportation, social assistance, human rights, communication and computer science, governance, public security, health and education. What is new this year is the inclusion of the topic early childhood in the survey,” says Rosane Oliveira, manager of MUNIC and ESTADIC. According to Ms. Oliveira, the importance of surveys lies in their capacity of diagnosing public policies implemented in Brazil: “By means of MUNIC and ESTADIC we get to know what there is available in terms of equipment, legislation and projects.”

In 2023, MUNIC is going into the field with the Sanitation Supplement, which encompasses two topics: urban cleaning and management of solid waste; and drainage and management of rainwater.

During the training, which was attended by approximately 60 persons, the supervisors of Social Surveys in each Federation Unit were instructed about how to fill in the questionnaires, and received information on the topics surveyed. “All the topics this year are related to the social field, such as social inclusion policies and policies related to combat to hunger and prejudice,” she adds.

“We have resumed face-to-face training for MUNIC and ESTADIC, and that is very important to State Superintendencies. These surveys focus on municipal and state management, and present relevant information on the structure and ways of promoting public policies that are under the responsibility of municipal and state administrations, whose results have an impact on the everyday lives of Brazilian citizens,” Norma Bentes, IBGE’s technician at the Pará Superintendency, explains.

Leonardo Silva, supervisor of Social Surveys at the IBGE Superintendency in Minas Gerais, also highlighted the positive impact of the resumption of face-to-face training for the quality of information: “These surveys change a lot, different topics are evaluated in each edition, with their specificities. The opportunity of being together, clearing our doubts about aspects related to the legislation, will certainly help us a lot in the work with branches.” According to him, it is expected that MUNIC and ESTADIC 2023 take place in a very positive way: "The use of digital resources implemented since 2020, such as data collection via Internet and editable electronic documents, prevents errors and accelerates the conduction of the survey."

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