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Monthy Survey of Services

Services change by 0.2% in June and close first semester at 4.7%

Section: Economic Statistics | Umberlândia Cabral

August 10, 2023 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 22, 2023 02h07 AM

Cargo transportation hit the peak of the time series in June - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency

The volume of services rendered in the country changed by 0.2% from May to June. That is the second positive rate in a row for this sector, which has a cumulative increase of 1.6% in the period. As a result, it is 12.1% above the pre-pandemic level, of February 2020, and 1.5% below the peak of the time series for the Monthly Survey of Services (PMS), hit in December last year. As for the forst semester in the year, the sector has a cumulative increase of 4.7%, and of 6.2% in the last 12 months. The data were released today (10) by the IBGE.

Three of the five activities surveyed by the survey increased in June. Professional, administrative and complementary services (0.8%) recovered part of the cumulative decrease (-1.2%) of the two preceding months. “Among the highlights in these activities are companies in the segment of legal affairs, credit card administration, loyalty programs and engineering. A factor possibly accounting for this increase in the first segment are favourable verdict taking place at the same time and that result in an increase in the revenue of companies,” says Rodrigo Lobo, manager of the survey.

With an increase of 1.9% in June, services rendered to families had a cumulative increase of 4.1% in the last three months. “The second main impact on the general index came from this activity, driven by the increased revenue of restaurants and theater and musical performances,” the researcher says.

Information and communication serrvices (0.5%) recorded positive results for the second consecutive positive result, with a cumulative increase of 1.3% in the period. This result is related to the good performance of companies in the segments of portals, Internet providers and search tools and software development and licensing.


As for negative results, transportation changed by -0.3% after an increase of 2.2% in te previous month. “This negative change is very close to stability.” This result was affected by foru segments: management of ports and terminals; air transportation of passengers; mass road transportation and inland transportation of cargo. As for air transportation, that can be related to the rise of fares in June. This inflation is not always the reason behind the drop of revenue of companies, but, in general, there is a correlation.”

Transportation of passengers dropped 1.2% from May, whereas that of cargo advanced by 0.6% in the same comparison. Individually, transportation of cargo accounted for the main impact on the positive result of the services sector in June. “In the month, it once agains reached the peak in the time series. There are three factors accounting for this performance: the flow of agricultural production, which has reached records in harvesting, the boom of electronic trade, generating a great demand for the sector of transportation of cargo, and transportation of industrial goods, such as intermediate goods and capital goods, which operate above the pre-pandemic levl,” says the manager of the survey.

Besides information and communication, the sector of other services (-0.4%) also recorded a negative change. The segment had advanced by 0.8% in May.

Sixteeen Federation Units followed the positive result in the country in June, from the previous month. Among the areas, the main impacts came from São Paulo (0.3%) and Paraná (1;9%), followed by the Federal District (2;9%) and Minas Gerais (0.9%). The main negative contribution came from Rio de Janeiro (-2.4%).

Services advance 4.1% from June 2022

From June last year, volume of the services sector grew by 4.1%, its 28th consecutive positive rate in this indicator. Four of the five activities surveyed recorded increases, the main highlights being: transportation, auxiliary services for transportation and mailing (4.7%), which accounted for the main positive contribution to the general result. This increase was mainly related to the increase in revenue of companies in: cargo transportation, air transportation of passengers, storage, inland transportation of cargo and maritime and port support navigation.

Other three sectors advanced in this comparison: services rendered to families (5.6%), professional, administrative and complementary services (3.5%) and services rendered to families (5.8%). The sector of other services (-1.4%) was the only one to record decreases from June mast year.

In the first semester, volume of services advanced by 4.7%

Services expanded by 4.7% in the first semester this year, with an advance in foou of the five activities surveyed. The biggest contribution to this result came from the sector of transportation, auxiliary services for transportation and mailing (5.6%). The other advances came from information and communication (5.3%), professional, administrative and complementary (4.4%), services rendered to families (5.8%). The segment of other services remained stable (0.0%) in the first semester.

“The services sector has reduced its pace in comparison with the last two years. Regarding transportation, which accounted for the main cumulative impact, the highlight are road transportation of cargo, mass road transportation and water transportation of cargo. The second main influence came from information and communication, due to the increase in revenue of telecommunication companies and development and licensing of software.”

Tourism activities change by -0.4% in June

From May to June, the index of tourism activities changed by -0.4%, after an increase in the two previous months, with cumulative gain of 4.3% in the period. As a result, the segment is 4.9% above the level of February 2020 (pre-pandemic) and 2.6% below the highest figure in the series, reached in February 2014.

Eight of the 13 areas surveyed had negative results as well as Brazil. The negative contributions were those of Rio de Janeiro (-1.2%) and Bahia (-3.2%), followed by Goiás (-4.8%), Rio Grande do Sul (-1.9%) and Santa Catarina (-2.6%). The mains advances of the segment in June were recorded by the Federal District (4.9%) and de Pernambuco (4.3%)..

More about the survey

The PMS produces indicators to monitor the short-term behavior of the services sector in Brazil. The survey investigates the gross revenue from services in formal enterprises that employ 20 or more persons, in which the main activity is a non-financial service, excluding the areas of health and education. It produces results for Brazil and all the Federation Units. Results are available at Sidra.

This is the fifth release of the new time series of the survey, which updated the sample of enterprises, as well as included methodological changes to portray economic changes in the society. They are updatings already scheduled and periodically implemented by the IBGE. The next release of the Monthly Survey of Services will be on eptember 14.

Keywords: Serviços variam 0, 2% em junho e fecham primeiro semestre com alta de 4, 7%

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