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2022 Census

2022 Census Photo Award at final phase and open for public voting

Section: IBGE | Vinícius Britto

June 19, 2023 12h00 PM | Last Updated: June 20, 2023 11h22 AM

General public can vote at the 2022 Census Photo Award up to July 21- Photo: Free Mockup Zone (art on photo)

The final phase of the first 2022 Population Census Photo Award started this Monday (19). After the pre-selection phase, in which IBGE civil servants had the chance to vote for photos taken by enumerators from their states during the Census data collection, 169 images were selected for the final phase, in three categories – Urban landscapes, Rural landscapes and Housing. All the photographs were taken with DMCs (Mobile Data Collection Devices) a piece of equipment used in the survey.

Voting will be open from June 19 to July 21, online and face-to-face, and is available for the general public. For voting on the Internet, you can click here and vote for a photo per category. Face-to-face voting will take place in Salvador, in the state of Bahia, at the Pituaçu subway station, the same hours the station is open.

“With the photographs sent for the Award, the IBGE will be able to enrichen its collection of images of the Brazilian municipalities, and increase visibility of the 2022 Population and of the  data collection conducted by the enumerators,” says Izabelle de Oliveira, head of the IBGE’s Marketing Department.

The final results are expected for September 1st, with prizes of R$ 5 thousand, R$ 3 thousand and R$ 1 thousand for the three best-voted enumerators in each category.

Here you can find the list of enumerators classified for the final phase.


More about the award

The objective of this Award is to document the field activities in the 2022 Population Census by means of photographs.  

Participation was limited to enumerators working in the 2022 Population Census.

The full list of rules for the first 2022 Population Census Photo Award can be found at the 2022 Census website, under the title “Publicity”.

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