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2022 Census

At Census final stretch, IBGE campaigns in high-income condominiums

Section: IBGE | Carlos Alberto Guimarães, Daniele Souza e Guilherme Silva sob supervisão de Ralph Izumi | Design: Brisa Gil

April 17, 2023 05h41 PM | Last Updated: April 24, 2023 04h12 PM

Cimar Azeredo, acting president of the IBGE, participated in the mobilization campaign in front of a condo - Photo:Michel Barbosa Telles

The greatest wealth of a country is information about it. And to collect information not yet captured in the scope of the 2022 Population Census, the IBGE held, on Saturday (15), the Census Mobilization Action in High-Income Areas – Condominiums on the Map. Teams of enumerators and Institute servants participated in awareness-raising events throughout Brazil, in 18 Federation Units.

“As a final enumeratiom effort, we want to make residents of high-income areas aware of the importance of answering the Census”, explains Cimar Azeredo, acting president of the IBGE, who participated in the action in Rio de Janeiro. While the national average of non-response to the Census is 5.5%, the refusal rate reaches 30% in some blocks of high-standard condominiums. The Barra da Tijuca collection points 1, 2, 3 and 4 still show refusal percentages ranging from 10.4% to 17.7%.

In addition to Rio, capitals such as São Paulo, Palmas and Cuiabá register above-average percentages of non-response, largely due to the refusal of residents in high-income areas. Collection points in neighborhoods like Moema, Jardim Paulista and Itaim Bibi register rates above 20%.

The cities in which Condos on the Map were mobilized were: Rio Branco (AC), Macapá (AP), Fortaleza (CE), Vitória (ES), Rio Verde (GO), São Luís (MA), Cuiabá (MT), Campo Grande (MS), Belém (PA), Maringá (PR), Recife (PE), Teresina (PI), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Porto Alegre (RS), Boa Vista (RR), São Paulo (SP), Aracaju (SE) and Palmas (TO). The municipality of Palhoça, in the Metropolitan Area of Florianópolis (SC), will hold an action this Wednesday (19), while Brasília (DF) already held one on the 13th.

ACRE - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
AMAPÁ - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
CEARÁ - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
ESPÍRITO SANTO - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
GOIÁS - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
MARANHÃO - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
MATO GROSSO - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
MATO GROSSO DO SUL - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
PARÁ - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
PARANÁ - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
PERNAMBUCO - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
RIO GRANDE DO SUL - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
RORAIMA - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
SERGIPE - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection
TOCANTINS - National Action Condo on the Map took place in several states aiming at reducing non-responses among high-income households in the 2022 Census - Photo: IBGE collection

At the end of March, the IBGE carried out a similar action in 20 states, under the name Favela on the Map. Focused on subnormal agglomerates, it had a partnership with the Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) and Data Favela in six states – Bahia, Goiás, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina, and managed to reverse, in most of these areas, refusal numbers. In Paraisópolis, in the capital of São Paulo, the total number of households without an interview dropped from 25.1% (before the campaign) to 16.3% after the IBGE awareness action. In Rio, in the Rocinha Favela, the rate went from 15.5% to 12.3%, and continues to fall.

Enumerators continue to work until the end of April, in an attempt to collect as much information as possible from all households that have not answered yet. Those who have not yet answered the Census can call 137 and schedule an interview.

Census colors and flavors on Rio's shore

In Rio, the colorful campaign took place in front of condominiums at Barra da Tijuca's shore. There was distribution of pamphlets, balloons and even popsicles, making kids quite happy. During interviews with the TV stations that covered the event, the acting president Cimar Azeredo highlighted the new Census control and monitoring tools, which have been helping to highlight, in the verification process, the portions of the population that have not yet been fully censused, such as high-income condominiums.

“It is essential to put this population on the map, given that the Census continues to be one of the largest databases to support public policies and for making quality decisions”, says Mr. Cimar. According to him, “everyone is directly benefited by Census information and everyone is affected by the lack of Census information”.

Vinícius Martins is one of the condominium residents who has already answered the Census. Very friendly, he chatted with the enumerators as he walked with his son along the boardwalk. Vinícius not only found it quick and easy to participate in the 2022 Census, but also highlighted the importance of the survey, to find out about population growth and see what can be done to improve people's lives. “This is very important, so it is necessary to let the enumerator in and do the interview, because it is a good thing for the population”.

Strolling along the beach, Débora Carvas, who has lived in Barra for three years, immediately said: “I am a statistician, so I know how important it is”. She then added: “For our development, we need knowledge, data, number of our people, age group, social class, etc. Only with this, is it possible to carry out education and health programs”.

The Census is in the air: plane with a banner flew over Barra's shore on Saturday - Photo: Michel Barbosa Telles

Apartment managers and administrators can collaborate

To try and reduce Census refusal rate, other measures were also adopted, with the support of condominium administrations. In the opinion of the Barra da Tijuca area coordinator, André Grangeiro, these actions bring more response and interviews from residents. “We have already made several visits to condominiums, to talk with managers and administrators, with the aim of reversing refusals”, added Mr. Grangeiro.

Participating in the mobilization activity, enumerator Fernando Neto has been working from the beginning of data collection to the completion of information in more than 30 enumeration areas in Barra. In the region, Mr. Neto insisted that a whole work of previous articulation is necessary. “There are several 'layers' to access the condominium, often with several appointments with the administration. You have to persevere.”

President Cimar Azeredo also appealed to managers, doormen and administrators of residential blocks. “You need to be aware of the importance of the Census and, with that, help its dissemination within your condominiums”. Cimar recalled that the survey does not need to be answered inside the residence, it can be carried out in a common area of the building, set by the manager.

“It is important to say that there are other means of responding to the Census, by telephone or internet”, emphasized the superintendent of the IBGE in Rio, José Francisco Carvalho. Those who were not found at home can call 0800 721 8181, or 137, to give their address, telephone number and the best contact time, for a possible scheduling of an interview, still in this final stretch of Census mobilization.

A resident approached by the team was quickly enumerated - Photo: Michel Barbosa Telles

Hard to persuade in Moema

In the city of São Paulo, the event took place at the Nossa Senhora da Aparecida Square, in the district of Moema. Throughout the morning, enumerators circulated around the neighborhood in search of residents who had not yet answered the questionnaire. Flyers and other materials were distributed. Media vehicles followed the mobilization.

During the visit to the condominiums, IBGE supervisors followed enumerators and ACSs (Supervisory Census Agents), checking the adversities faced in the field. In a single building, an enumerator spent more than 40 minutes talking to the manager, in an attempt to carry out the collection with the residents. After two hours of work, some enumerators managed to carry out only three interviews, due to difficulties in entring households.

IBGE team in São Pauloready to the mobilization campaign Condos on the Map - Photo: IBGE collection

On the other hand, many managers are willing to help. This is the case of Milton Zanirato. For him, it is very important to collaborate with the Census, as the survey is crucial for the country. “We've already separated the ballroom so that the enumerators can do the interviews. We can't stop collaborating. If you are an apartment manager, talk to the IBGE agents and allow them to work in your building”, said Mr. Zanirato.

For Francisco Barcia, superintendent of the IBGE in São Paulo, the action is intended to open the doors of condominiums and facilitate the work of enumerators. “This task force in the condominiums serves to increase the percentage of collection in these places. The action we carried out in the favelas, in March, significantly increased collection in the agglomerations. That way, we will achieve that same success in buildings as well.”

The mobilization in Moema was attended by the coordinator of the SP Census commissions, Ana Kazan, the SP Census dissemination coordinator, Wagner Martins, and the technical coordinators of SP, Rafael Gutierre, Thiago Brandão and Vando Nascimento, in addition to dozens of census agents.

Condominium resident in Moema was approached while walking her dog - Photo: IBGE collection

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