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2022 Census

Prevention and trust: IBGE establishes partnerships and gets support from condos

Section: IBGE | Da Redação

July 15, 2022 10h00 AM | Last Updated: July 20, 2022 12h05 AM

The IBGE has established, all over the country, partnerships for the 2022 Population Census Household data collection is expected to start on August 1st. Therefore, the Institute has reinforced support and agreements already set with associations of real estate and condo administrations, as well as unions of housing representatives. Being conducted throughout several months REPACs (Census Planning and Monitoring Meetings) have promoted a number of important initiatives. Courses, workshops and lectures were held in order to provide information and guidance in order to guarantee the integrity of both residents to be visited and the IBGE enumerators working on data collection. The overall idea is that residents, building managers, doorkeepers and janitors are aware of the important activities of enumerators not only because of the legal duty of providing statistical information but mainly because of the social importance of the data collected and their undeniable public relevance.

Committed with the prevention and protection of residents and of the enumerators, the IBGE and national entities, such as SECOVI (Union of Purchase, Sale and Administration of Real Estate) have agreed on conducting cooperative actions in order to support, announce and promote the Census, with a focus on raising awareness of condo residents, considering the need of making work easier for all. “Welcoming the enumerators who have been trained to serve Brazil during the Census mission is very important for the success of the operation and of the reach of national public interest,” said Luciano Duarte, technical coordinator for the Census.

“This is a permanent service provided by the IBGE for any citizen who has been approached to answer the survey and wants to make sure that person at their door is an IBGE servant,” says Cláudio Barbosa, Operational Coordinator for the Census. “The building manager, the doorkeeper, the janitor or the resident can and must keep in touch with the Institute’s user service in order to obtin information about the enumerator working in the condo or dwelling.”

The 2022 Census will count on three forms of approch for filling out the questionnaire: face-to-face, Internet or telephone. In order to answer on the Internet, the informant will wait for the enumerator, who, during the visit, will register the resident’s email and telephone (for SMS messages).In this type of data collection, the resident will have seven days to answer the questionnaire. Collection by telephone will be a solution when residents ar not found at home during the enumerator’s visit. That will also be applied in cases where the resident cannot speak to the enumerator at the time of the visit, and the interview can be scheduled for later and be either face-to-face or by telephone.

Awareness iniatives in condos include partnerships with entities all over brazil, established with reference representativeness, such as: National Confederation of Building Managers (CONASI), SINDICONET Portal, Papo Condominial Channel and administration companies such as APSA, LELLO, BR condos, besides the Brazilian Association of Electronic Security (ABESE). "Here in Ceará we promote visits, meeting and even lives, besides a long, 60-minute long radio interview.

In São Paulo, the IBGE and the Association for the Admistrators of Real Estate and Condominiums in São Paulo (AABIC) conducted, on July 14th, at the AABIC headquarters, a meeting of their representatives and collaborators of administration companies for instructions on the 2022 Census. The AABIC gathers the biggest condo administration companies in the country and is responsible for 53% of the management in São Paulo alone - where it currently manages 16 thousand condominiums and more than 60 thousand exchanged real estate, inhabited by about 5.1 million persons. The Association has worked together with the IBGE to provide guidance on approach at condos and to set security protocols during the Census

The entity is worried about keeping residents' security, facilitating access to the enumerator and helping people understand the importance of the Census. “The A AABIC is engaged in its role of organizing the operational process so that all the legal obligations regarding condos are respected," says José Roberto Graiche Júnior, president of AABIC.

It is worthy of mention that special material for condominium facilities, in order to help administration companies and managers is being currently disseminated. See at link AABIC-IBGE partnership.

The institution also intends to schedule collection in these condos in specific shared areas (banquet halls, entrance halls, main door area) so that residents can answer the qjuestionnaire. Special material will be available to help condominious with virtually-controlled entrance halls, because in theses an intercom is used for communication between visitors and residents, and only if the resident is at home will the door be opened, that is, there is no employee available for this function.

"Here in Ceará we promoted visits, meeting and even lives, besides a long, 60-minute long radio interview. Therefore, we are confident that the census operation will be very successful, especially in the condominium segment,” states Francisco Lopes, head of the IBGE in the state.

In Pernambuco, Revista Conominium (Condo Magazine), distributed among 10 thousand building managers all over the state, published an article in July about the collection for the 2022 Census. The topic was also a highlight on the cover and in the opinion section, in which managers were invited to work as partners and supporters of the IBGE during the Census operation.

“In Sergipe, by means of SECOVI, we participated in an event with condo managing companies of the State in order to introduce the Census. Other meetings with managers and administrators have already been scheduled in order to facilitate access to condos by the enumerator. Letters are being written and posted on elevators of severall addresses in Aracaju. The team will print three thousand flyers with photos of the enumerators. These actions are being noticed by society,” says Adriane Sacramento, head of the IBGE in the state.

In Mato Grosso, the IBGE has as a partner Femab-MT (Federation of Neighborhood Residents’ Associations in Mato Grosso) and Ucam (Coxiponense Unit of Residents Associations) so that neighborhood leaders will passalong information about the Census. In order to improve data collection in horizontal condominiums, the State Branch participated in an assembly of Sindscond-MT (Union of Condominiums in the State of Mato Grosso) and received support from the real estate company Emika Imobiliária e Assessoria de Condomínios, which published a banner of the Census in its website and is committed with the dissemination of advertising material. The IBGE is also constantly in touch with the following real estate managing companies: Attento Administração Condominial, Consultese, Grupo Inovar, Lins e Lins, Plus Adm, VAS Assessoria de Condomínio, Vivenza and Grupo Apex.

In Santa Catarina, in a meeting in the city of Balneário Camboriú, strategies were adjusted to guarantee the access of enumerators to condominiums, according to the manager of the IBGE in the state, Roberto Kern.

In Rio Grande do Sul, contact with condominimum adminsitrations, security companies and remote building access services. There were online and faceto-face meetings, events and lives to pass along information about how to welcome the enumerators and identify them properly. The objective if to provide proper guidance to building managers so that they can receive the IBGE enumerators safely, to help make data collection faster and guarantee better coverage.

The same efforts were repeated successfully in other IBGE state branches, in order to promote an atmosphere of trust, prevention and protection of both residents and enumerators, as well as of building managers, janitors and dookeepers.


“Far beyond the specific data collection for the Census, the contact with condominium associations is a strategy aimed at raising awareness and forming a community that is conscious of their civic role of providing information for the planning of the society we wish for,” says the head of the IBGE Branch in Tocantins, Paulo Ricardo Amaral.

All the information collected is confidential and protected as provided for by our legislation: Law no. 5,534/68, Law no. 5,878/73 and Decree no 73,177/73. Law no. 5,534, of November 14, 1968, deals with the compulsory provision of statistical information:

The information provided will be kept secret and used exclusivelt for statistical purposes, and will not be the object of any certificate or, under ant circumstances, be used as proof in fiscal and administrative of legal proceedings, except in cases resulting from non-compliance with this law (Law 5,534/68, Art. 1, Sole paragraph).

Article 1 - All natural of legal persons under public or private law in the Brazilian law jurisdiction must provide information requested by the IBGE Foundation for the execution of the National Statistical Plan (Decree-Law no. 161, of february 13, Article 2, paragraph 2).


The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is not an impediment to provision of statistical information or of their addresses and geolocation to the IBGE by Brazilian citizens and companies. The legal framework that regulates the activities conducted by the IBGE guarantees secrecy of the data collected by the Institute and that is in accordance with the LGPD. “It is important that society be aware that the promulgation of the LGPD does not interfere with the provision of statistical information to the IBGE,” says Francisco Garrido, head of the IBGE in São Paulo.

The work of the IBGE is based on specific federal legislation, Law 5,534/1968, known as Statistical Secrecy Law, and also on the practice of most countries and on the recommendation of the National Statistical Agency. Moreover, the IBGE has 85 years of experience in the promotion of high-quality statistical information, which has made the institution a trustworthy representative in the provision of good services, with impartiality and integrity.

Meeting, events and lives held to raise awareness and help building managers, doorkeepers and residents - Photo: IBGE Collection

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