Population Census
IBGE opens over 200 thousand positions across the country for the 2022 Census
December 15, 2021 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 31, 2021 10h07 AM
- 208,703 job positions are open for the 2022 Census.
- With 183,021 enumerator positions, registrations start this Wednesday (November 15) and go until 12/29/2021.
- Applicants must have complete primary school. Registration fee for enumerators is R$57.50 and can be paid online or at any bank. There are positions for almost every municipality in the country (5,297).
- As enumerators are paid by production, the IBGE made available a simulator that calculates salaries, according to location and hours worked. Registration for the 18,420 supervisor census agents (ACS) and 5,450 municipal census agents (ACM) are also open until 12/29/2021, and the fee is R$ 60.50.
- Opportunities require complete secondary education with salaries of R$1,700 and R$2,100, respectively.
- The IBGE has also released two other notices with 1,781 positions for Census Agents for Administration and Information Technology (ACAI) and 31 for Enumeration Area Coordinators (CCA), both requiring secondary education and with salaries of R$ 1,700 and of R$ 3,677.27, respectively.
- Registration costs R$44 for ACAI and R$66 for CCA, and are open until January 10, 2022.
- People listed in CadÚnico may request fee exemption.
This Wednesday (December 15th), the IBGE opened registration for the selection process to hire 183,021 enumerators who will work collecting information for the 2022 Population Census. During registration, which lasts until December 29, 2021, applicants must choose the work area and the city where they will take the test. The fee to participate in the selection is R$ 57.50, it can be paid until January 25, and the test will be applied in the morning, on March 27, 2022. It is expected that those approved work for up to three months in the household collection.
Also open until December 29 are 18,420 opportunities for supervisor census agents (ACS) and 5,450 for municipal census agents (ACM), both requiring secondary eduction. Salaries are R$1,700 and R$2,100, respectively. The registration fee is R$60.50, and can be paid until January 25th, and the test will also be held on March 27th, but in the afternoon. Registration for enumerators and census agents can be made on the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) website.
Two other public notices were released yesterday (December 14) by the IBGE with 1,781 positions, requiring complete secondary education, for census agents in the scope of administration and information technology (ACAI) and 31 for enumeration area coordinators (CCA). Registration fees are R$44 for ACAI and R$66 for CCA, and can be paid until January 10, 2022 on the website of the Brazilian Institute of Education and Training (Instituto Brasileiro de Formação e Capacitação (IBFC). Salaries are R$ 1,700 for ACAI and R$ 3,677.27 for CCA, with a 40-hour workweek, eight hours a day for both functions. For CCA, it is mandatory to have a definitive or provisional National Driver's License, at least category B, within the validity period.
For the position of enumerators, applicants must choose, upon registration, the area where they wish to work. These areas can correspond to one or more neighborhoods, or communities. For example, for the city of Rio de Janeiro there are 6,480 positions in 70 work areas, including in communities such as Complexo da Maré (120 positions), Vigário Geral (113), Rocinha (65), Complexo do Alemão (60), Cidade de Deus (35), Morro do Borel (8) and Vidigal (6). The idea is for residents of these areas to enroll in the selection process so that they can work close to their homes. Thus, the IBGE will have enumerators adapted to their working region.
As enumerators are paid based on productivity, the IBGE has prepared an online simulator, which calculates how much they should receive according to the number of visited households and interviewed persons, also considering the compensation rate of each enumeration area, the type of completed questionnaire (basic or sample) and the record in the data collection control. The recommended working hours for enumerators is at least 25 hours per week.
To estimate the salary, it is necessary to enter the municipality and the number of hours one intends to work. IBGE's Human Resources coordinator, Mr. Bruno Malheiros, explains that the compensation varies according to several factors, including access to the enumeration area, which is where the visited households are located.
"For example, enumerators who works in an urban area gets around easier than a census taker who visits households in an isolated riverside community", explains Mr. Malheiros. “The more households visited and people interviewed, the higher the compensation. Enumerators can work at any time, especially at times when it is more likely to find the residents at home, that includes weekends and holidays,” he adds.
Registration for over 23 thousand census agent positions are also open
The second selection process for the Census 2022 aims at hiring 5,450 people to work as Municipal Census Agents (ACM) and 18,420, as Supervisor Census Agent (ACS). Registration will be open until December 29th. Those interested should register on the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) website. One single registration is valid for both positions of ACS and ACM and the fee is R$60.50. Applicants must have finished secondary education. The salary for ACM is R$ 2,100 and for ACS, R$ 1,700, with a workload of 40 hours a week, eight hours a day.
Both careers are in the same selection process. The best placed applicants in each municipality will get the ACM position, being responsible for coordinating the collection of the 2022 Census in that city. In addition to the salary, ACM and ACS will receive food allowance, transportation allowance, pre-school allowance, vacation and proportional 13th salary, pursuant to the legislation in force and as established in the notice.
The tests for ACM and ACS will be applied on March 27th. Applicants for such positions will take a multiple-choice test of eliminatory and qualifying character, with 10 questions on Portuguese, 10 questions on Quantitative Logical Reasoning, 5 questions on Ethics in Public Service, 15 questions on Notions of Administration/Management Situations and 20 questions on Technical Knowledge.
The syllabus is available in the notice. The tests for ACM, ACS and enumerators will last 3 hours and 30 minutes. Preliminary templates will be released the day after the application of the tests, on the FGV website. The final result is scheduled for May 6, 2022.
Fee exemption for low-income applicants
The selection processes for the 2022 Census allow fee exemption for people registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). For enumerators, the request must be made until December 29th. After sending the necessary data and documentation, the request will be analyzed by the organizers. The preliminary result of tax exemption requirements will be released on January 11th, with appeals being made on January 12th and 13th. On January 24th, the final result will be released. In case the request for exemption is rejected, the applicant will be able to pay the fee until the 25th of January.
IBGE has prepared booklet to help applicants study for the enumerator test
Applicants for the enumerator position will be selected by a multiple-choice test, of eliminatory and qualifying character, with 10 questions on Portuguese, 10 questions on Mathematics, 5 questions on Ethics in Public Service and 25 questions on Technical Knowledge. The test will be administered on 03/27/2022.
“The subject matters to be evaluated in the test are detailed in the notice. The IBGE also provided a technical knowledge booklet, so that applicants can have access to the necessary knowledge to answer questions about the census operation. The booklet and the IBGE Code of Ethics are available on the FGV website”, says Mr. Malheiros.
Applicants who pass the first stage will receive face-to-face and distance training, of an eliminatory and qualifying nature, lasting five days, eight hours a day. Applicants attending at least 80% of the training will receive a cost allowance for transportation and food. Contracts will be executed soon after the training phase.
Applicants who fail to comply with Covid-19 sanitary protocols may be left out
All stages of the 2022 Census, including tests, training and data collection, will follow Covid-19 health prevention protocols. Mr. Malheiros explains that, on the day of the exam, applicants who fail to comply with the protection measures will be left out of the selection process.
"Mandatory use of masks and safe distance between candidates and test administrators will be required. We are going to make alcohol gel available at all the test locations and everyone must follow the measures to avoid crowding, respecting local legislation”, said the IBGE's HR coordinator.
The same procedures must be followed in face-to-face training for enumerators.
2022 Census collection will be in person, by telephone or over the Internet
Aware of the pandemic context, the IBGE Assistant Director of Surveys, Mr. Cimar Azeredo, adds that the Institute is developing protocols that guarantee the safety of enumerators and residents during collection. In addition to security procedures, such as the use of a mask, alcohol and minimum distance, the resident will have the option to answer the questionnaire in person, by telephone or over the Internet.
"These three collection modes will be used during the 2022 Census operation. In any case, enumerators will have visit the household, either to carry out the interview in person, or to get the resident's telephone number or even to provide the link and access key to the questionnaire filling out over the internet. The IBGE will visit more than 70 million homes. We are working so that the survey that portrays the country is carried out with safety for everyone”, guarantees Mr. Cimar.
2022 Census will visit all Brazilian municipalities
Next year, around 213 million inhabitants, in more than 70 million households, will be visited by enumerators in the country's 5,570 municipalities. The survey will reveal, among other information, the characteristics of the households, ethnic-racial identification, marriage, family arrangements, fertility, religion or cult, disability, internal or international migration, education, commuting to study, work and income, commuting to work, mortality and autism. Held every ten years, the Population Census is the main source of reference for understanding the living conditions of the population in all municipalities in the country.
Fee refund of canceled selection process
The fee refund of the simplified selection process for the 2021 Census, canceled in October, can be requested on the IBGE website. The amount will be refunded within 40 days of request. The same goes for those enrolled in the 2020 Census selection process.