Brazilian hub for innovation in big data is launched today in an Eclac event
November 23, 2021 10h00 AM | Last Updated: November 23, 2021 12h44 PM

Resulting from an initiative of the United Nations´ Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Regional Hub for Big Data hosted in Brazil will be launched today (23) in the XI Statistical Conference of the Americas, virtually carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Eclac).
The hub will be hosted in the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE), an academic arm of the IBGE, which will coordinate the efforts and contributions from different areas of the IBGE in support to the activities of the Regional Hub. The project was formalized by a memorandum of understanding between the IBGE and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in April 2021. Those interested in joining the project can send an email to ungphub@ibge.gov.br.
“Big data is a reality, and data science is one of the most important areas in this context. Through its projects and activities, the Regional Hub in Brazil will improve the integration of the sectors of the IBGE and institutional partners in Latin America and the Caribbean by sharing knowledge and innovation,” notes Maysa de Magalhães, ENCE´s general coordinator.
The project aims at contributing to the advance in the use of big data and data science to improve the production of official statistics. Therefore, it aims at strengthening the bonds and fostering the cooperation among producers of official statistics in the region, supported by the exchange of experiences and knowledge, encouraging more contact and integration between regional producers and users and leveraging the knowledge produced.
According to Andrea Diniz, coordinator of the project, it is “a milestone in the production of official statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean, as it will leverage the use of this alternative source (big data) in the region.” According to her, “it can improve or even guarantee the production of official statistics under restrictive scenarios, like the one we are still living with the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The agreement between the IBGE and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) for the implementation of the proposal was signed on April 8 this year. In addition to Brazil, three other countries also integrate the project with regional hubs: China, Rwanda and the United Arab Emirates.
Brazilian hub will perform in four fronts
The hub for big data is a pole of knowledge, technology and innovation. It is collaborative and oriented to actions that integrate innovative methods of technology and data science in the use of big data. In its initial phase, the Regional Hub in Brazil will perform in four action lines, without discarding the inclusion of other activities or projects in the mid and long terms. They are:
- Strengthening of bonds and promotion of the cooperation among producers of official statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean;
- Fostering the formation and interest of young statisticians in the region on the use of big data in official statistics;
- Developing a survey on the use of big data in official statistics and related subjects;
- Organizing seminars and conferences on the use of big data in statistics and geosciences.
“To be hosted in the IBGE, one of the few statistical offices in Latin America and the Caribbean producing official statistics based on big data, can streamline the cooperation and consolidation of this practice in the region,” concludes Andrea Diniz.