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Brazilian Journal of Geography

New edition of the Brazilian Journal of Geography establishes a closer dialogue between the IBGE and universities

Section: Geosciences | Irene Gomes

September 28, 2021 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 30, 2021 11h29 AM

  • Highlights

  • New edition of RBG brings articles on the geomorphological and geopolitical aspects of the islands and on territory occupation based on the association between river and land routes throughout the 18th century in Minas Gerais.
  • The journal also features a review of the book “Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism”, by Ulrich Brand and Markus Wissen.
  • Professor Roberto Lobato Corrêa's essay addresses the issue of models in Geography and proposes a new classification.
  • The edition pays tribute to Jorge Xavier da Silva, Marilourdes Lopes Ferreira and João Baptista Ferreira de Mello, geographers who died in the first half of 2021.
The work “Troops crossing the bridge over the Paraibuna river” by Rugendas illustrates the new edition of the Revista Brasileira de Geografia (Brazilian Journal of Geography). Image: RUGENDAS, J.M. Viagem pitoresca através do Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Editora Itatiaia, 1979 [1835].

IBGE launches today the first issue of volume 66 of the Revista Brasileira de Geografia (Brazilian Journal of Geography - RBG). With two articles, an essay and a review, this issue, aimed at academic studies, seeks to give visibility to institutional research and to the dialogue between the IBGE and universities. “The journal's role is to mediate what is produced within the IBGE and reflections and research carried out in the academy”, analyzes the journal's executive editor, Ms. Maria Lucia Vilarinhos.

The article “What is an island? The horizons of insularity”, by Matheus Sartori Menegatto, Master in Geography from USP and professor at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (SP), addresses the geomorphological, environmental, linguistic, cultural and geopolitical aspects linked to the condition of insularity. “It is a very important topic that is still little discussed in Brazilian geography, and the article brings interesting and surprising analyses”, comments Ms. Vilarinhos.

The article “Association between river and land routes connecting the coast and the sertões (hinterlands) of Minas Gerais”, by Patrícia Gomes da Silveira, PhD student in Geography at UFRJ, discusses the circuits that intertwined river routes, land paths and small villages between the coast and the sertões, throughout the 18th century, in Minas Gerais. “This is also a subject for which there is low production, especially if we consider its enormous importance to understand the occupation of the territory”, highlights the editor. “The article also shows how the Portuguese crown controlled this articulation through the collection of taxes in the records”, she adds.

The review by Guilherme Pereira Cecato, who is currently taking a Master’s in Geography at UNESP/ Presidente Prudente, presents the book “Modo de vida imperial: Sobre a exploração de seres humanos e da natureza no capitalismo global” (“The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism”), by Ulrich Brand and Markus Wissen, released in Brazil in 2021 by Editora Elefante. The authors are German activists and researchers who highlight the socio-environmental crisis in which the current phase of capitalism has brought to the entire planet. “What they call the imperial mode of living is the way of life in the global north, which is also reproduced by the middle classes in the south”, explains Ms. Vilarinhos. “The book is impressive and brings a current discussion about the transformations resulting from climate change”, she adds.

The issue ends with an essay by UFRJ professor Roberto Lobato Corrêa, who addresses the subject of models in Geography. He highlights the controversies that followed the introduction of the theme in Brazilian geography in the 1970s, the types of models and their functions, in addition to presenting a proposal for classification.

Moreover, in this volume, the Revista Brasileira de Geografia pays homage to geographer and professor Jorge Xavier da Silva, from the Department of Geography at UFRJ; to the IBGE geographer and ENCE professor Marilourdes Lopes Ferreira; and Professor João Baptista Ferreira de Melo, who worked at the IBGE and at the Geography Department at UERJ. The three of them died in the first half of 2021. They were part of IBGE's staff and contributed to advances in the field of geographic knowledge in Brazil.

Edited by the IBGE, the RBG is a digital scientific publication with two releases per year. The submission of papers is continuous and open to researchers from national and international institutions and from the IBGE.

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