Johanna Döbereiner 2020
IBGE wins award for agricultural survey and studies
October 16, 2020 01h00 PM | Last Updated: October 19, 2020 05h34 PM

The IBGE and the former technical coordinator of the Census of Agriculture, agronomist Antonio Carlos Simões Florido, were awarded this Thursday (15th) with the Johanna Döbereiner 2020 Award. Granted by the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the State of Rio de Janeiro ( CREA-RJ), the award is named after the scientist of Czech origin who developed works of great value on the Brazilian agriculture, becoming a world reference in the area.
The ceremony this year was completely online and had the attendance of the public and leaders of entities that work in the sector. The video of the ceremony can be seen below:
The aim of the annual award is to recognize entities and professionals for their distinguished set of projects, studies, research, works and results in the area of agronomy.
Appointed by the Association of Agricultural Engineers of the State of Rio de Janeiro (AEARJ), the IBGE was nominated for the "Institution" category, due to the Centennial of the Census of Agriculture. Recently retired from the Institute, Mr. Florido was awarded in the "Personality" category.
The president of CREA-RJ, electrical engineer Luiz Antônio Cosenza, congratulated the work of the winners and stressed the importance of agronomy, which, according to him, "sustained the country in difficult times".
The agronomist engineer Ana Paula Guimarães, president of AEARJ, referred to Teacher's Day and thanked all the teachers. "Scientific research is fundamental to a nation’s development, and Johanna Döbereiner sets an example, as well as the teachings left by agronomist Antonio Florido, after so many years ahead of IBGE’s agricultural surveys," she remarked.
"The Census of Agriculture is a wonderful statistical operation, in which everyone works hard, with determination and dedication," said Octavio Costa de Oliveira, IBGE coordinator of Agriculture, who represented the president of the Institute, Susana Guerra, unable to attend the ceremony due to her work agenda.
"It has been 100 years fulfilling our institutional mission, with the Census of Agriculture ahead as the most complete portrait of Brazilian agriculture, and with the continuous statistics of agriculture, livestock and forestry, collecting short-term information, essential for the monitoring of these activities and for the public policy planning ", added Mr. Oliveira.
Ahead of the last three of the 11 editions of the Census of Agriculture, Mr. Florido pointed out that the greatest challenge for an agronomist who, like himself, was involved with statistics, is to produce figures that can faithfully depict the reality of an activity. "And this work, which is scientific, has to be valued", he added, saying that he would like to share the honor of the award with all the other colleagues of the Institute and with his family.
The ceremony, which lasted just over 40 minutes, also included the virtual presence of Daniel Döbereiner, grandson of Johanna Döbereiner - who died in 2000. On behalf of his family, he thanked the homage and highlighted his grandmother's simple way of treating people and work.