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Continuous PNAD - Tourism

Brazilians do not travel often, usually take trips by car and bus and stay with relatives or friends

Section: Social Statistics | Eduardo Peret | Design: Brisa Gil e Jessica Cândido

August 12, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: August 13, 2020 08h28 PM

  • Highlights

  • Dos 72,5 milhões de domicílios visitados pela pesquisa, apenas 21,8% registraram alguma viagem.
  • Os principais motivos para não ter havido viagem foram: falta de dinheiro (48,9%), falta de tempo (18,5%) e não ter havido necessidade (13,5%).
  • Dos 21,4 milhões de viagens analisadas, 96,1% (20,6 milhões) foram nacionais e 3,9% (828,7 mil) foram internacionais.
  • Mais da metade das viagens ocorreu dentro do próprio estado. Os estados que mais receberam visitantes foram São Paulo (18,9%) e Minas Gerais (12,8%).
  • Do total de viagens, 13,5% ocorreram por motivos profissionais e 86,5% por motivos pessoais.
  • Das viagens por motivo pessoal, 36,1% ocorreram em visita a parentes, 31,5% em busca de lazer e 17,5% para tratamento de saúde e bem estar.
  • Na faixa de rendimento domiciliar per capita de meio até menos de um salário mínimo, uma em cada quatro viagens foi para tratamento de saúde.
  • Das viagens para lazer, 34,3% foram para ir à praia. Viagens com motivos culturais corresponderam a 27,2% e ecoturismo e aventura, 25,6%.
  • A casa de parentes ou amigos foi o local de hospedagem em mais da metade das viagens na faixa de rendimentos até menos de dois salários mínimos.
  • O principal meio de transporte usado foi o carro particular ou da empresa (46,6%), seguido pelo ônibus de linha (16%) e o avião (15,3%).
#PraCegoVer Plataforma de rodoviária com uma pessoa embarcando em um ônibus
Second to the car, the bus is one of the most common means of transportation in trips - Photo - Marcelo Benedicto/IBGE News Agency 

In about one out of every five households in the country, no resident took a trip in the months of April to August 2019. The reason reported by almost 50% of them was lack of money. In the cases in which there was a trip, it was within the state. Among trips for personal reasons, more than half were visits to friends or relatives, followed by healthcare and well being purposes. And a private car or a car owned by a company was the means of transportation in almost half of the trips. These are some the results of Continuous PNAD – Tourism – Q3 2019, released today (12) by the IBGE, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism.

“The survey has the objective of developing a satellite health account associated with the National Accounts, besides providing basic information on domestic tourism that can contribute to public policies and public and private companies of the sector", says the researcher Flavia Vinhaes.

Among the 72.5 househing units visited, in only 21.8% a resident had traveled. “Tourism is a seasonal activity. The survey sample covered the period from April to August, which does not include the high season, which is usually December and January. In the updated version of the survey, which is on the field in all the months of 2020, we can have an even more precise view of domestic tourism,” Ms. Vinhaes says. 

In almost half of the housing units without any trips, the reported reason was economic 

In almost half of the 56.7 million housing units (48.9%) without any trips, the reported reason was lack of money. Other reasons reported were lack of time and lack of necessity. “In the analysis by earnings, among the per capita nominal housing earnings below two minimum wages, the main cause reported for not traveling was lack of money was the main reason for not traveling. In the range of two or more minimum wages, the predominant reason was lack of time,” the researcher observes.


One of every out four trips in the range of 1/2 to one minimum wage is for healthcare purposes 

A total 18.5 million of the 21.4 million trips investigated were for personal reasons, being 36.1% to visit relatives, 31.5% for leisure and 17.5% for healthcare and welfare purposes. Leisure was the main reason for trips in ranges of earnings above two minimum wages and hit 55.4% in the households earning four or more minimum w ages. Among housing units with earnings up to less than one minimum wage, more than 60% of the trips were intended to visit relatives or for healthcare purposes. "We see that persons in lower ranges of earnings usually leave the municipality in search of healthcare and welfare. In the range of 1/2 to one minimum wage, about one out of every four trips was for health-related products. That reason was not representative in the group of four or more minimum wages, 4.6%," the researcher says.

In 33.4% of the trips, the residents were in search of rest and entertainment at beaches. The trips for cultural destinations made up 27.2% of the total, whereas one out of every was for ecotourism and adventure tourism. Tourism for beaches was predominantly in all ranges of earnings except in that from four minimum wages, where 34.4% of the trips was for cultural purposes.

Almost half of the travelers stays at the home of relatives or friends

The home of relatives or friends was a highlight among the types of accommodation, representing 47.3% of the total trips. In the second position was the option hotel or flat. On trips for professional reasons, the positions were inverted. Inns recorded a very low participation, with one regional exception: in Rio de Janeiro, they represent 10.8% of the total stays. In the analysis by ranges of earnings, a hotel or flat topped the list in ranges of four or more minimum wages, with 38.5%, followed by home of relatives or friends, with 35.5%.