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IBGE portal has new homepage to facilitate data access

Section: IBGE | Da redação, com colaboração de Ana Laura Azevedo e Camila Ermida

October 09, 2019 02h00 PM | Last Updated: October 10, 2019 10h02 AM

Whoever accesses the IBGE portal is now able to find more quickly the major short-term indicators on society and economy. Data on inflation, unemployment, industry, trade and services are a highlight in the main page, updated this month (4) with an even more user-friendly navigation.

Besides, users can have a direct access to the 2020 Census hotsite, where them can learn more about the Dress Rehearsal for the Census, a kind of pre-test for the biggest operation carried out by the IBGE. Below this section you can find the press releases which are published in the Institute's News Agency.

The search engine of the website was revised as well, and now it has filter options, offering, thus, more consistent, rapid results, encompassing databases such as Sidra (Bank of  Statistical tables) and Cities@.

All this reengineering was thought of based on navigation analyses and users' feedback. As a result, several improvements were implemented in the homepage and in the other pages, grounded on the user's interest and real experience. 

“Our greatest challenge is to facilitate and improve the experience of such a diversified range of users as those who access our portal”, says IBGE On Line Services Manager, Leandro Albertini. He also claims there is a specialized team constantly working on improvements “so that results can precisely come up to users' expectations”.

In September the Institute’s website had nearly 5.5 million visitors, considering all the IBGE websites and channels, as the News Agency, the Library and Cities@.

Check out the IBGE different homepages through time, starting in 1998

In line with modern visual trends and aiming at delivering the best results to anyone who searches for IBGE-related topics, the Institute has been developing thematic pages, the so-called Landing Pages, which rank among the first results in the search engines. 

With a specific structure, such pages are focused on the main users' doubts, providing direct links to the portal. Google GDP/PIB or inflation/inflação and see what you are going to get, or click on one of the two words to go straight to the landing pages.

Released on September 2017, the current version of the IBGE Portal displays several products and data from the Institute organized by topics, which makes navigation much more intuitive than in the previous versions. This is the first responsive model, adapted to mobile navigation, and with lighter pages making faster loads.

Keywords: IBGE, Portal, Homepage, Indicadores, Inflação, Desemprego, Indústria, Comércio, Serviços, PIB, Censo 2020.

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