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Brazilian Journal of Geography celebrates 80 years in new edition

Section: Geosciences | Marília Loschi

September 03, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 06, 2019 04h45 PM

Journal of Brazilian Geography celebrates 80 years - Cover of issue no. 64

The IBGE released today the 64th issue of the Journal of Brazilian Geography (RBG), which is celebrating the 80th anniversary of the first edition, released in 1939. RBG's debut went hand in hand with the conduction of IBGE's first Population Census, in 1940, introducing the survey markers for the definition of the land divisions for the administration of questionnaires.

For the IBGE’s technician, Maria Lúcia Vilarinhos, the coverage expansion of the magazine is a highlight, due to either technological factors or the wide participation of authors. “For me, it is gratifying to realize that, in this meantime, we adapted ourselves to the new assignments that have been demanded from us. The technological advance allowed us to work with electronic journals, which increase the articles’ visibility and forms of representation, through maps, images, graphs, photos”, she explains.

According to Maria Lúcia, the journal is a vehicle that has been consolidated as a disseminator of academic articles with wide use of IBGE’s information and surveys. “It is clear that the authors want to be published in the RBG (Brazilian Journal of Geography) because they know the importance of our projects and surveys. And it is all easily noticeable in this celebrating issue”, she comments. “And it is gratifying to receive this feedback from the academic/scientific community”.

This edition pays a special tribute to one of the authors, José Manuel Mateo Rodriguez, a Cuban geographer with a significant production in areas as geography education, environmental geography and cultural geography, and who has passed away a little before the RBG (Brazilian Journal of Geography) release this semester.

The RBG (Brazilian Journal of Geography) is a digital scientific publication released twice a year with IBGE’s edition. Articles can be submitted anytime by any researcher of national and international institutions, including the IBGE. In order to access the entire content or submit articles, access the RBG website.

Keywords: RBG, Geografia, Geociências, 80 anos.

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